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· 2024-06-30 14:25:51 FOCUS ON | Minerva, l'Intelligenza Artificiale Italiana che sfida ChatGPT in Intelligenza Artificiale Spiegata Semplice episode podcast player
estimated reading time: < 1 min podcast:Giacinto Fiore e Pasquale ViscantiIntelligenza Artificiale Spiegata Semplice è il podcast che ti offre un approccio chiaro e accessibile a questa nuova tecnologia.Ogni lunedì, Pasquale Viscanti e Giacinto Fiore ti guideranno alla scoperta di
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· 2024-06-20 10:41:40 Click To Imagine — LRNZ
estimated reading time: 114 min Click to imagine. Ver. 0.2 aggiornata al 5/9/2022Disclaimer:Non ho assolutamente la pretesa di avere la verità in tasca, anzi, auspico di riuscire a capire qualcosa di più proprio grazie al confronto che questo testo potrebbe generare con i suoi lettori
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· 2024-06-10 10:24:10 Generative AI: novità e riflessioni #3 / 2024
estimated reading time: 29 min AI Un appuntamento per aggiornarsi e riflettere sulle tematiche che riguardano l'intelligenza artificiale e la Generative AI. • 36 min read Generative AI: novità e riflessioni - #3 / 2024Una rubrica che racconta le novità più rilevanti che riguardan
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· 2024-06-01 16:34:19 Voicebot: risponditore vocale Dillo con intelligenza artificiale (AI)
estimated reading time: 5 min Dillo StoreCiao Laura, sonoilVoiceBotdi Dillo,riesco a interpretare latua voce e risponderealle tue richieste, comeposso aiutarti?A nessuno piace aspettare, specialmente se ha fretta: con il Voicebot di Dillo i tuoi clienti riceveranno le risposte di cui h
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· 2024-05-31 17:10:43 L'intelligenza artificiale deve andare in un posto: nelle orecchie
estimated reading time: 3 min È evidente a chiunque bazzichi il settore che l'intelligenza artificiale è la tecnologia che guiderà il mercato e l'innovazione per i prossimi anni. E, più nello specifico, la grande novità ormai dietro l'angolo è l'intelligenza artificiale generativa
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· 2024-05-29 11:16:17 Supertone Clear License Agreement – Supertone
estimated reading time: 3 min 7 months ago Updated Below are the terms for using our software on your computer. These terms of use are agreed to by the end user upon installing any Supertone software.The software that accompanies this license may be used by any party (including, witho
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· 2024-04-29 05:30:59 Moises App: L'app del musicista | Rimozione voce e non solo
estimated reading time: < 1 min Moises App: L'app del musicista | Rimozione voce e non solo Suona la tua musica in qualsiasi tonalità, a qualsiasi velocità. Rimuovi le voci e gli strumenti in qualsiasi canzone. Scopri l'esperienza di pratica immersiva definitiva alimentata dall'IA
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· 2024-04-20 17:58:40 AIVA End User License Agreement
estimated reading time: 8 min The following End User License Agreement (the "Agreement") is a contract between you (the "Licensee", the "User", ”you”) and AIVA Technologies Sarl (the "Licensor", "AIVA", “we”). By using our website and services, located at and
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· 2024-04-15 06:57:23 Mamba Explained
estimated reading time: 24 min The State Space Model taking on TransformersRight now, AI is eating the world.And by AI, I mean Transformers. Practically all the big breakthroughs in AI over the last few years are due to Transformers.Mamba, however, is one of an alternative class of mode
· 2024-04-13 18:09:28 Artificial Intelligence Act: MEPs adopt landmark law | News | European Parliament
estimated reading time: 4 min On Wednesday, Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence Act that ensures safety and compliance with fundamental rights, while boosting innovation.The regulation, agreed in negotiations with member states in December 2023, was endorsed by MEPs with 523
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· 2024-03-22 19:29:28+01:00 Terms of Service Suno AI
estimated reading time: 37 min Date of Last Revision: January 27, 2024Acceptance of These Terms of ServiceSuno Inc. ("Suno," "we," "us," or "our") provides our services (described below) and related content to you through our website(s) located at (the "Site"), through
· 2024-02-11 07:41:51+01:00 Applications of artificial intelligence
estimated reading time: 105 min Part of a series onArtificial intelligence Major goals Artificial general intelligence Recursive self-improvement Planning Computer vision General game playing Knowledge reasoning Machine learning Natural language process
· 2024-02-10 09:03:49+01:00 L'AI che trascrive gli audio al posto tuo! (GUIDA PRATICA)
estimated reading time: < 1 min [embedded content]
· 2024-02-10 01:25:31+01:00 AI, Giomi (Agcom): ‘Giusto regolare ma non fermare l’innovazione’
estimated reading time: 2 min “Per ogni applicazione potenzialmente pericolosa dell’Intelligenza Artificiale  esiste un numero di suoi utilizzi molto superiore che porta notevoli benefici a tutti i settori produttivi dall’industria alla pubblica amministrazione e anche ai singoli
· 2024-01-31 04:30:57+01:00 Con LLaMa e Alpaca si può usare un chatbot come ChatGPT in locale, senza più dipendere dal cloud |
estimated reading time: 7 min Nel machine learning l’addestramento e l’inferenza sono due fasi fondamentali per il processo di sviluppo di un modello.L’addestramento è la fase in cui il modello viene allenato su un set di dati, generalmente molto ampio così da ottimizzare le cap
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· 2024-01-21 11:15:23+01:00 The 5 Best Vector Databases | A List With Examples
estimated reading time: 10 min The landscape of vector databases (Image Source)In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), vast amounts of data require efficient handling and processing. As we delve into more advanced applications of AI, such as image recognition, voice search, or rec
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· 2024-01-21 08:37:19+01:00 Capabilities
estimated reading time: < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
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· 2024-01-21 08:35:30+01:00 Terms of service
estimated reading time: < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
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· 2024-01-21 08:31:22+01:00 Generating audio from voice and natural language prompts
estimated reading time: 7 min TakeawaysUpdate: 12/11/2023: audiobox's interactive demo and research paper are now available. audiobox is Meta’s new foundation research model for audio generati
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· 2024-01-19 15:12:49+01:00 LeMUR Main Guide | AssemblyAI Docs
estimated reading time: 3 min In this guide, we'll show you how to use AssemblyAI's LeMUR (Leveraging Large Language Models to Understand Recognized Speech) framework to process audio files with an LLM.With LeMUR you can easily apply LLMs to one or more tr
· 2024-01-17 06:36:25+01:00 Best AssemblyAI Alternatives 2024 | Product Hunt
estimated reading time: 5 min We use cookies to improve your experience and anonymously analyze usage. Learn more in our privacy settings. Products  → AssemblyAI  → Alternatives 13reviews4.5Kupvotes3launches3.1KfollowersBest alternatives to AssemblyAISnowflake Startup Challen
· 2024-01-14 02:33:14+01:00 Un onesto confronto dei database vettoriali open source
estimated reading time: 8 min Un confronto accurato dei database vettoriali open source I database a vettori offrono una vasta gamma di vantaggi, in particolare nell’intelligenza artificiale generativa (AI) e, più specificamente, nei grandi modelli di linguaggio (LLM). Questi benefi
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· 2024-01-13 19:20:27+01:00 Claude instant 100k
estimated reading time: 41 min !(function(){try{var a=function(c){var v="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)",h=window.matchMedia(v).matches?"dark":"light",r=c==="system"?h:c,o=document.documentElement,s=document.body,l="chakra-ui-light",d="chakra-ui-dark",i=r==="dark";return s.classList.add(i
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· 2024-01-09 12:22:04+01:00 10+ Best AI Summarizers to Save Time in 2024 | Notta
estimated reading time: 18 min Imagine having an AI tool that lets you summarize an hour-long meeting within min utes and ensure your team has quick access to all the important information without spending precious time. That's what an AI summarizer does. The primary aim of AI summariz
· 2024-01-08 10:40:10+01:00 10 top AI and machine learning trends for 2024 | TechTarget
estimated reading time: 17 min After the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, 2023 marked a turning point in artificial intelligence. The past year's developments, from a vibrant open source landscape to sophisticated multimodal models, have laid the groundwork for significant advances i
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· 2024-01-07 21:52:24+01:00 RAG and generative AI Azure AI Search
estimated reading time: 14 min Article Retrieval Augmentation Generation (RAG) is an architecture that augments the capabilities of a Large Language Model (LLM) like ChatGPT by adding an information retrieval system that provides grounding data. Adding an information retrieval system gi
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· 2024-01-07 21:47:37+01:00 Che cos'è la Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)?
estimated reading time: 12 min L'intelligenza artificiale generativa (AI) eccelle nella creazione di risposte di testo basate su modelli linguistici di grandi dimensioni (LLM, large language model) dove l'AI viene addestrata attraverso un numero enorme di datapoint. La buona notizia è
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· 2024-01-06 09:16:54+01:00 What You Need to Know About China’s New Generative AI Measures
estimated reading time: 10 min On July 10, 2023, seven departments including the Cyberspace Administration of China (“CAC”) jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services (《生成式人工智能服务管理暂行办法》, the
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· 2024-01-05 22:49:33+01:00 La Cina è il primo paese a regolamentare la Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
estimated reading time: 5 min Il 15 Agosto è entrata in vigore la nuova normativa in materia di Intelligenza Artificiale generativa approvata dalla Cyberspace Administration of China. La Cina è il primo paese a livello globale a muoversi nella regolamentazione dell’AI, sebbene anche
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· 2024-01-05 22:36:52+01:00 China’s AI Regulations and How They Get Made
estimated reading time: 37 min SummaryChina is in the midst of rolling out some of the world’s earliest and most detailed regulations governing artificial intelligence (AI). These include measures governing recommendation algorithms—the most omnipresent form of AI deployed on the in

"Qualcuno mi aiuti a capire che interesse abbiamo a mortificare queste persone." - Giulio Zeriali sui migranti

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