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· 2024-06-11 07:14:13 Intelligence artificielle : la CNIL poursuit ses travaux pour une IA innovante et respectueuse de la vie privée
estimated reading time: 5 min En soumettant à consultation publique de nouvelles fiches pratiques relatives au développement de systèmes d’intelligence artificielle, la CNIL montre comment le règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD) permet la promotion d’IA inno
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· 2024-02-24 10:38:51+01:00 Creatore di immagini di Microsoft Designer Condizioni per l'utilizzo
estimated reading time: 6 min Le presenti Condizioni per l'utilizzo ("Condizioni") si applicano a Image Creator da Designer ("Image Creator"). Image Creator (precedentemente noto con il nome di Bing Image Creator) dà all'utente la possibilità di generare immagini ("Creazioni") partend
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· 2024-02-24 10:16:30+01:00 Acceptable Use Policy \ Anthropic
estimated reading time: 5 min Safety is core to Anthropic’s mission and we are committed to building an ecosystem where users can safely interact with and build on top of our products in a harmless, helpful, and honest way. Our Acceptable Use Policy (aup
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· 2024-02-24 10:16:01+01:00 Commercial Terms of Service \ Anthropic
estimated reading time: 16 min Welcome to Anthropic! Before accessing our Services, please read these Commercial Terms of Service.These Commercial Terms of Service (“Terms”) are an agreement between Anthropic, PBC (“Anthropic”) and the organization, company, or other entity that
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· 2024-02-24 10:15:48+01:00 Consumer Terms of Service \ Anthropic
estimated reading time: 19 min Welcome to Anthropic! Before you access our services, please read these Terms of Service.These Terms of Service (“Terms”) govern your use of, Claude Pro, and other products and services that we may offer for individuals (including any Anthrop
· 2024-02-11 07:41:51+01:00 Applications of artificial intelligence
estimated reading time: 105 min Part of a series onArtificial intelligence Major goals Artificial general intelligence Recursive self-improvement Planning Computer vision General game playing Knowledge reasoning Machine learning Natural language process
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· 2023-10-11 17:42:57 Tenir compte de la protection des données dans la conception du système (IA)
estimated reading time: 15 min Accueil Tenir compte de la protection des données dans la conception du système 11 octobre 2023Pour assurer le développement d’un système d’IA respectueux de la protection des données, il est nécessaire de mener une réflexion préalable lors de
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· 2023-04-03 11:10:46 Autorità belga su analisi immagini passanti tramite intelligenza artificiale APD/GBA 24/2021
estimated reading time: 93 min 1/44 Chambre Contentieuse Décision quant au fond 24/2021 du 19 février 2021 Numéro de dossier : DOS -2020 -02716 Objet : Comptage des passants à des endroits sp
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· 2023-02-13 19:46:34+01:00 Carta etica europea sull’utilizzo dell’intelligenza artificiale nei sistemi giudiziari e negli ambiti connessi adottata dalla CEPEJ
estimated reading time: 143 min Strasb urg o, 3 dicembre 2018 CEPEJ(2018)14 COMMISSION E EUROPEA PER L’EFFICIENZA DELLA GIUSTIZIA (CEPEJ) Carta etica e uropea sull’utilizz o dell’intelligenza artificiale nei sistemi giudiziari e negli ambiti
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· 2022-08-28 08:38:38 Geleakter Bericht: EU Kommission nimmt hohe Fehlerquoten bei Chatkontrolle in Kauf
estimated reading time: 34 min Zentrale Kritikpunkte an der von der EU-Kommission geplanten Chatkontrolle scheinen sich zu bestätigen. Die EU-Kommission rechnet offenbar selbst damit, dass Ermittler:innen viele harmlose Aufnahmen und Chats von Minderjährigen mit eigenen Augen überpr

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