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· 2024-05-26 07:06:11 14 Top Outstanding Open Source LLMs For Research and Commercial Use
estimated reading time: 6 min Large Language Models (or LLMs) are machine learning models (built on top of transformer neural network) that aim to solve language problems like auto-completion, text classification, text generation, and more. It is a subset of Deep Learning.The "large" re
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· 2024-01-13 16:06:43+01:00 Chatbot Arena: Benchmarking LLMs in the Wild with Elo Ratings | LMSYS Org
estimated reading time: 8 min by: Lianmin Zheng*, Ying Sheng*, Wei-Lin Chiang, Hao Zhang, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Ion Stoica, May 03, 2023We present Chatbot Arena, a benchmark platform for large language models (LLMs) that features anonymous, randomized battles in a crowdsourced manner. In
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· 2024-01-13 09:04:12+01:00 13 Best Open Source ChatGPT Alternatives
estimated reading time: 5 min ChatGPT is a powerful generative AI tool developed by OpenAI. You enter text prompts in a conversational way, and it gives you a detailed response.Sure, it is not perfect. But, sometimes it is incredibly helpful. No matter what you do with it, unfortunately
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· 2023-04-19 10:13:08 dolly, un modello AI simile a ChatGPT, ma libero ed open source! – Mia mamma usa Linux!
estimated reading time: 4 min Da quando la bolla AI è esplosa, possiamo dire in concomitanza con il rilascio di ChatGPT da parte di OpenAI lo scorso novembre, sono state parecchie le soluzioni LLM di cui abbiamo parlato. LLM, ossia Large Language Model, un insieme cioè di informazio
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· 2023-03-25 07:46:30+01:00 Hello dolly: Democratizing the magic of ChatGPT with open models
estimated reading time: 10 min SummaryWe show that anyone can take a dated off-the-shelf open source large language model (LLM) and give it magical ChatGPT-like instruction following ability by training it in 30 min utes on one machine, using high-quality training data. Surprisingly, in

"Quando i giovani le negheranno il consenso anche la misteriosa e onnipotente mafia finira' " - Paolo Borsellino citato da Rita alla radio

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