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· 2024-01-04 07:39:55+01:00 Presenting this season's online fsf bulletin — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free software
estimated reading time: 2 min Screenshot of online BulletinAs I write this, we have received our first snowfall in Boston, MA, the city where the Free Software Foundation (fsf) has its cozy office. The seasons are changing, for sure, but the bi-annual rout
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· 2023-01-17 20:49:38+01:00 Il correttore di bozze
estimated reading time: 4 min Jump to navigation Jump to search Il correttore di bozzeTitolo originaleGalley Slave Altri titoliLo schiavo, Il robot che leggeva le bozze AutoreIsaac Asimov 1ª ed. originale1957 1ª ed. italiana1959 Genereracconto Sottogenerefantascienza Lingua origi
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· 2022-08-28 08:38:38 Geleakter Bericht: EU Kommission nimmt hohe Fehlerquoten bei Chatkontrolle in Kauf
estimated reading time: 34 min Zentrale Kritikpunkte an der von der EU-Kommission geplanten Chatkontrolle scheinen sich zu bestätigen. Die EU-Kommission rechnet offenbar selbst damit, dass Ermittler:innen viele harmlose Aufnahmen und Chats von Minderjährigen mit eigenen Augen überprÃ

"Non perdete tempo pensando troppo; vi allontanereste dalla verita'. Accogliete la sua Parola con cuore semplice e vivetela." - Maria Medjugorje

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