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chatbot intelligenza artificiale contratti caffe20 responsabilità ilbot
· 2024-02-18 10:08:36+01:00 Air Canada dovrà risarcire un cliente che aveva ricevuto informazioni fuorvianti da un chatbot Il Post
estimated reading time: 2 min Dopo che inizialmente aveva cercato di non assumersi la responsabilità delle informazioni fornite dall'assistente virtualeCaricamento playerAir Canada, la principale compagnia aerea canadese, dovrà risarcire un cliente che aveva ricevuto informazioni inga
intelligenza artificiale civilenews
· 2023-11-06 10:06:42+01:00 Prompting Isn't The Most Important Skill
estimated reading time: 6 min Anant Agarwal, an MIT professor and of the founders of the EdX educational platform, recently created a stir by saying that prompt engineering was the most important skill you could learn. And that you could learn the basics in two hours.Although I agree th
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· 2023-10-31 07:06:55+01:00 AI In A Box Envisions AI As A Private, Offline, Hackable Module
estimated reading time: 1 min [Useful Sensors] aims to embed a variety of complementary AI tools into a small, private, self-contained module with no internet connection with AI in a Box. It can do live voice recognition and captioning, live translation, and natural language conversatio
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· 2023-07-30 07:20:08 So you want to build your own open source chatbot…
estimated reading time: 22 min (Expanded from a talk given at DWeb Camp 2023.)Artificial intelligence may well prove one of the most impactful and disruptive technologies to come along in years. This impact isn’t theoretical: AI is already affecting real people in substantial ways, an
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· 2023-01-11 13:25:25+01:00 L'avvocato robot al suo debutto in tribunale: la rivoluzione dell'IA nell'assistenza legale è iniziata
estimated reading time: 1 min Un avvocato “robot” alimentato dall’intelligenza artificiale sarà il primo del suo genere ad aiutare un imputato a combattere una multa in tribunale il mese prossimo.Il CEO di DoNotPay, Joshua Browder, ha dichiarato che l’intelligenza artificiale d

"People don't know it is probabilistic? The outputs of LLMs are probabilistic. Probabilistic software components can be built, I don't see the issue. You just have to know that is what you are dealing with. There is an entire class of software applicable. " - Sean Thoman on Linkedin

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