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· 2024-06-28 16:20:04 Getting started Cheshire Cat AI
estimated reading time: 1 min To run the Cheshire Cat, you need to have docker (instructions) and docker-compose (instructions) installed on your system.Create and API key on the language model provider website Start the app with docker-compose up inside t
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· 2024-06-28 16:14:32 How to Run a Local Model with Ollama Cheshire Cat AI
estimated reading time: 3 min Easy-to-use setup to extend the Cheshire Cat Docker configuration and run a local model with Ollama. If you’re interested in having the Cheshire Cat running a local Large Language Model (LLM), there are a handful of methods available. These are: serving
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· 2024-06-12 17:38:11 Vanna.AI Personalized AI SQL Agent
estimated reading time: < 1 min !pip install vannaimport vannafrom vanna.remote import VannaDefaultvn = VannaDefault(model='chinook', api_key=vanna.get_api_key(''))vn.connect_to_sqlite('')vn.ask('What a
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· 2024-06-08 17:33:48 Cheshire Cat AI, lo Stregatto italiano dell'Intelligenza Artificiale
estimated reading time: 6 min Cheshire Cat, noto anche come Stregatto, è un progetto tutto italiano, open source, che permette di creare servizi basati su Intelligenza Artificiale collegando facilmente LLM e sviluppando proprie estensioniIndice dell'articoloLa piattaforma di cui parlia
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· 2024-05-29 11:16:17 Supertone Clear License Agreement – Supertone
estimated reading time: 3 min 7 months ago Updated Below are the terms for using our software on your computer. These terms of use are agreed to by the end user upon installing any Supertone software.The software that accompanies this license may be used
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· 2024-04-22 15:43:50 Overview — OpenVINO™ documentation — Version(2022.3)
estimated reading time: 1 min Boost your model’s speed even further with quantization and other state-of-the-art compression techniques available in OpenVINO’s Post-Training Optimization Tool and Neural Network Compression Framework. These techniques also reduce your model size and
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· 2024-04-15 19:52:10 Legal terms and conditions | Mistral AI | Frontier AI in your hands
estimated reading time: 115 min Terms and conditions for using Mistral products and services.PreambleWelcome to Mistral! Our platform provides access to Mistral AI’s artificial intelligence models tailored for text generation alongside with a range of complementary services (the “Se
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· 2024-03-30 17:40:20+01:00 I 30 tool di Data Visualization che devi conoscere
estimated reading time: 12 min Quali sono i principali tool sul mercato per l'elaborazione e la visualizzazione dei dati, e quali sono le principali caratteristiche di questi tool.Dopo aver visto come scegliere un tool per la Data Visualization passiamo in rassegna una selezione dei 30
· 2024-03-30 09:26:41+01:00 Chatgpt api OpenAI API: How do I count tokens before(!) I send an API request? Stack Overflow
estimated reading time: 11 min Asked 1 year ago Modified 23 days ago Viewed 63k times This question shows research effort; it is useful and clear Save this question. Show activity on this post. OpenAI's text models have a context length, e.g.: Curie has a context length of
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· 2024-03-02 18:52:48+01:00 A WordPress ‘Firehose’ Allows AI Companies to Buy Access to a Million Posts a Day
estimated reading time: 10 min 🖥️404 Media is a journalist-owned website. Sign up to support our work and for free access to this article. Learn why we require this here.Update: After this article was published, Automattic told 404 Media that it is "deprecating" the Firehose: "Soci
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· 2024-02-12 23:11:59+01:00 Write Your First Plugin Cheshire Cat AI
estimated reading time: 7 min Writing a plugin with the Cat takes just a few lines of Python.Our first plugin will turn the Cat into a poetic socks seller. Despite the example being light and fun, it should give you an idea of what is possible. Hence, let’s dive into writing your firs
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· 2024-02-12 23:05:22+01:00 Ask HN: How do I train a custom LLM/ChatGPT on my own documents in Dec 2023? | Python LibHunt
estimated reading time: < 1 min As others have said you want RAG. The most feature complete implementation I've seen is h2ogpt[0] (not affiliated). The code is kind of a mess (most of the logic is in an ~8000 line python file) but it supports ingestion of everything from YouTube vid
· 2024-02-11 07:41:51+01:00 Applications of artificial intelligence
estimated reading time: 105 min Part of a series onArtificial intelligence Major goals Artificial general intelligence Recursive self-improvement Planning Computer vision General game playing Knowledge reasoning Machine learning Natural language process
· 2024-02-09 15:23:32+01:00 HuggingChat Assistants
estimated reading time: 5 min New Chat HuggingChat New Chat Login Theme Assistants New Settings About & Privacy HuggingChat New Chat Login Theme Assistants New Settings About & Privacy Assistants beta Popular assistants made by the community All modelsmistral
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· 2024-02-06 06:48:43+01:00 Setting Up PrivateGPT to Use AI Chat With Your Documents
estimated reading time: 7 min Have you ever thought about talking to your documents?Like there is a long PDF that you are dreading reading, but it's important for your work or for your assignment.What if you could ask questions to it like “What are the key features mentioned in the do
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· 2024-02-06 06:45:53+01:00 How to Run LLMs Locally on Raspberry Pi Using Ollama AI
estimated reading time: 3 min Last week, I shared a tutorial on using PrivateGPT. It's an AI tool to interact with documents.Now, that's fine for the limited use, but if you want something more than just interacting with a document, you need to explore other projects.That's when I came
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· 2024-02-01 10:50:12+01:00 Stable Diffusion prompt: a definitive guide Stable Diffusion Art
estimated reading time: 18 min Developing a process to build good prompts is the first step every Stable Diffusion user tackles. This article summarizes the process and techniques developed through experimentations and other users’ inputs. The goal is to write down all I know about pr
· 2024-01-31 04:30:57+01:00 Con LLaMa e Alpaca si può usare un chatbot come ChatGPT in locale, senza più dipendere dal cloud |
estimated reading time: 7 min Nel machine learning l’addestramento e l’inferenza sono due fasi fondamentali per il processo di sviluppo di un modello.L’addestramento è la fase in cui il modello viene allenato su un set di dati, generalmente molto ampio così da ottimizzare le cap
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· 2024-01-27 14:27:41+01:00 Introduction | 🦜️🔗 Langchain
estimated reading time: 2 min LangChain is a framework for developing applications powered by language models. It enables applications that:Are context-aware: connect a language model to sources of context (prompt instructions, few shot examples, content to ground its response in, etc.)
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· 2024-01-23 23:09:08+01:00 Privacy and AI #9
estimated reading time: 17 min In this edition of Privacy and AI:PRIVACY • EDPB bans Meta's processing PD for behavioral ads using legitimate interests or contract in the EU• Guidelines on the use of API• AI development and use - legal basis• EDPB Guidelines 2/2023 on Technical
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· 2024-01-22 09:03:38+01:00 installation SLM Lab
estimated reading time: 1 min Clone the repository:install the dependencies:This runs a prepared bash script with the necessary setup steps, with Python dependencies managed through Conda. Refer to the Help page if you encounter issues.Alternative
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· 2024-01-21 11:10:29+01:00 Vector database Milvus
estimated reading time: 1 min The most popular vector database for enterprise usersFuel your machine learning deploymentStore, index, and manage massive embedding vectors generated by deep neural networks and other machine learning (ML) models.Easy to Use With Milvus vector database, yo
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· 2024-01-20 13:59:50+01:00 LinDoz – MakuluLinux
estimated reading time: 9 min MakuluLinux LinDoz is built on our new hybrid 2023 Ubuntu/A.I driven Base and Designed on a heavily modified Cinnamon Framework. Designed to make the user transition from Windows to Linux Easier and more comfortable while still retaining its Linux roots, At
· 2024-01-17 06:40:17+01:00 LangChain Tutorial – How to Build a Custom Knowledge Chatbot
estimated reading time: 11 min You may have read about the large number of AI apps that have been released over the last couple of months. You may have even started using some of them.AI tools such as ChatPDF and CustomGPT AI have become very useful to people – and for good reason. Go
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· 2024-01-14 02:45:09+01:00 Quickstart Tutorial | Weaviate Vector Database
estimated reading time: 20 min Welcome to the Quickstart guide for Weaviate, an open-source vector database. This tutorial is intended to be a hands-on introduction to Weaviate.In the next ~20 min utes, you will:Build a Weaviate vector database, and Query it with: semantic search, an a
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· 2024-01-13 09:04:12+01:00 13 Best Open Source ChatGPT Alternatives
estimated reading time: 5 min ChatGPT is a powerful generative AI tool developed by OpenAI. You enter text prompts in a conversational way, and it gives you a detailed response.Sure, it is not perfect. But, sometimes it is incredibly helpful. No matter what you do with it, unfortunately
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· 2024-01-07 22:00:16+01:00 Integrations
estimated reading time: 1 min Integrations Use Cohere's models with the tools you love.Suggest Edits Chroma is an open-source vector search engine that's quick to install and start building with using Python or Javascript.Learn MoreQdrant is an open-source
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· 2024-01-07 01:15:08+01:00 LlamaIndex 🦙 0.9.26
estimated reading time: 2 min LlamaIndex is a data framework for LLM-based applications to ingest, structure, and access private or domain-specific data. It’s available in Python (these docs) and Typescript.🚀 Why LlamaIndex?LLMs offer a natural language interface between humans and
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· 2024-01-06 18:22:29+01:00 install AI Models on Linux: Discover LLMs and Chatbots for Linux
estimated reading time: 15 min Hello, fellow Linux enthusiasts! I’m excited to embark on this journey with you, exploring the fascinating realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on our favorite operating system: Linux. Whether you’re setting up a home lab or home server, running Linux
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· 2024-01-05 22:33:05+01:00 Translation: Internet Information Service Algorithmic Recommendation Management Provisions – Effective March 1, 2022 DigiChina
estimated reading time: 26 min The following translation is based on DigiChina's translation of an earlier draft of these provisions by Helen Toner, Rogier Creemers, and Graham Webster. It has been revised and updated to reflect the final version, taking effect March 1, 2022, by Rogier

"Quando moriremo, nessuno ci verra' a chiedere quanto siamo stati credenti, ma credibili." - Rosario Livatino, giudice

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