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· 2024-06-25 09:28:07 Introducing Claude 3.5 Sonnet
estimated reading time: 4 min Today, we’re launching Claude 3.5 Sonnet—our first release in the forthcoming Claude 3.5 model family. Claude 3.5 Sonnet raises the industry bar for intelligence, outperforming competitor models and Claude 3 Opus on a wide range of evaluations, with the
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· 2024-06-20 10:41:40 Click To Imagine — LRNZ
estimated reading time: 114 min Click to imagine. Ver. 0.2 aggiornata al 5/9/2022Disclaimer:Non ho assolutamente la pretesa di avere la verità in tasca, anzi, auspico di riuscire a capire qualcosa di più proprio grazie al confronto che questo testo potrebbe generare con i suoi lettori
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· 2024-06-11 07:14:13 Intelligence artificielle : la CNIL poursuit ses travaux pour une IA innovante et respectueuse de la vie privée
estimated reading time: 5 min En soumettant à consultation publique de nouvelles fiches pratiques relatives au développement de systèmes d’intelligence artificielle, la CNIL montre comment le règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD) permet la promotion d’IA inno
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· 2024-06-10 10:24:10 Generative AI: novità e riflessioni #3 / 2024
estimated reading time: 29 min AI Un appuntamento per aggiornarsi e riflettere sulle tematiche che riguardano l'intelligenza artificiale e la Generative AI. • 36 min read Generative AI: novità e riflessioni - #3 / 2024Una rubrica che racconta le novità più rilevanti che riguardan
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· 2024-06-08 17:33:48 Cheshire Cat AI, lo Stregatto italiano dell'Intelligenza Artificiale
estimated reading time: 6 min Cheshire Cat, noto anche come Stregatto, è un progetto tutto italiano, open source, che permette di creare servizi basati su Intelligenza Artificiale collegando facilmente LLM e sviluppando proprie estensioniIndice dell'artic
· 2024-05-26 07:06:11 14 Top Outstanding open source LLMs For Research and Commercial Use
estimated reading time: 6 min Large Language Models (or LLMs) are machine learning models (built on top of transformer neural network) that aim to solve language problems like auto-completion, text classification, text generation, and more. It is a subset of Deep Learning.The "large" re
· 2024-05-11 12:59:40 AI Act, il Parlamento europeo pubblica le correzioni del testo AI4Business
estimated reading time: 6 min Il Parlamento europeo ha diffuso, il 30 aprile 2024, la rettifica del testo della Legge sull’AI (AI Act) adottata 13 marzo. Il documento corregge il linguaggio dell’AI Act. Ad esempio, si veda il seguente chiarimento di Laura Caroli, Senior Policy Advis
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· 2024-04-22 15:43:50 Overview — OpenVINO™ documentation — Version(2022.3)
estimated reading time: 1 min Boost your model’s speed even further with quantization and other state-of-the-art compression techniques available in OpenVINO’s Post-Training Optimization Tool and Neural Network Compression Framework. These techniques also reduce your model size and
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· 2024-04-16 12:03:32 Perplexity AI API Private Policy
estimated reading time: 5 min Last updated: October 2, 2023IntroductionPerplexity ("we", "us", or "our") is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and disclose personal information when you use our AI API product. By using our
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· 2024-04-15 19:52:10 Legal terms and conditions | Mistral AI | Frontier AI in your hands
estimated reading time: 115 min Terms and conditions for using Mistral products and services.PreambleWelcome to Mistral! Our platform provides access to Mistral AI’s artificial intelligence models tailored for text generation alongside with a range of complementary services (the “Se
intelligenza artificiale database vettoriale
· 2024-03-30 17:40:20+01:00 I 30 tool di Data Visualization che devi conoscere
estimated reading time: 12 min Quali sono i principali tool sul mercato per l'elaborazione e la visualizzazione dei dati, e quali sono le principali caratteristiche di questi tool.Dopo aver visto come scegliere un tool per la Data Visualization passiamo in rassegna una selezione dei 30
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· 2024-03-30 13:59:38+01:00 Redis 7.2 e il futuro dei Database Vettoriali: nuove funzionalità per prestazioni e scalabilità –
estimated reading time: 4 min Redis sta attualmente rivisitando la sua suite di soluzioni dati, integrando nuove funzionalità mirate a potenziare le prestazioni e semplificare la scalabilità.Originariamente concepita come una tecnologia open source per l
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· 2024-02-12 23:05:22+01:00 Ask HN: How do I train a custom LLM/ChatGPT on my own documents in Dec 2023? | Python LibHunt
estimated reading time: < 1 min As others have said you want RAG. The most feature complete implementation I've seen is h2ogpt[0] (not affiliated). The code is kind of a mess (most of the logic is in an ~8000 line python file) but it supports ingestion of everything from YouTube vid
· 2024-02-11 07:41:51+01:00 Applications of artificial intelligence
estimated reading time: 105 min Part of a series onArtificial intelligence Major goals Artificial general intelligence Recursive self-improvement Planning Computer vision General game playing Knowledge reasoning Machine learning Natural language process
· 2024-02-09 15:23:32+01:00 HuggingChat Assistants
estimated reading time: 5 min New Chat HuggingChat New Chat Login Theme Assistants New Settings About & Privacy HuggingChat New Chat Login Theme Assistants New Settings About & Privacy Assistants beta Popular assistants made by the community All modelsmistral
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· 2024-02-06 06:48:43+01:00 Setting Up PrivateGPT to Use AI Chat With Your Documents
estimated reading time: 7 min Have you ever thought about talking to your documents?Like there is a long PDF that you are dreading reading, but it's important for your work or for your assignment.What if you could ask questions to it like “What are the key features mentioned in the do
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· 2024-02-06 06:45:53+01:00 How to Run LLMs Locally on Raspberry Pi Using Ollama AI
estimated reading time: 3 min Last week, I shared a tutorial on using PrivateGPT. It's an AI tool to interact with documents.Now, that's fine for the limited use, but if you want something more than just interacting with a document, you need to explore other projects.That's when I came
· 2024-01-31 04:30:57+01:00 Con LLaMa e Alpaca si può usare un chatbot come ChatGPT in locale, senza più dipendere dal cloud |
estimated reading time: 7 min Nel machine learning l’addestramento e l’inferenza sono due fasi fondamentali per il processo di sviluppo di un modello.L’addestramento è la fase in cui il modello viene allenato su un set di dati, generalmente molto ampio così da ottimizzare le cap
· 2024-01-26 14:14:08+01:00 Llama 2 vs GPT 4 vs Claude 2. While GPT 4 and Claude 2 are better at… | by Rama krishna | Bootcamp
estimated reading time: 5 min While GPT-4 and Claude 2 are better at coding, Llama 2 excels at writingLast night Meta released Llama 2, an upgraded version of its large language model LLaMa, in a surprise partnership with Microsoft. Soon to be available on the Microsoft Azure platform
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· 2024-01-21 11:19:36+01:00 AI Alliance Launches as an International Community of Leading Technology Developers, Researchers, and Adopters Collaborating Together to Advance Open, Safe, Responsible AI
estimated reading time: 22 min AI advancements are leading to new opportunities that can improve how we work, live, learn and interact with one another. Open and transparent innovation is essential to empower a broad spectrum of AI researchers, builders, and adopters with the informatio
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· 2024-01-20 13:51:14+01:00 I 10 migliori strumenti di intelligenza artificiale open source per Linux
estimated reading time: 4 min In questo post tratteremo alcuni dei migliori strumenti di intelligenza artificiale open source (AI) per l'ecosistema Linux. Attualmente, l'IA è uno dei campi in continua evoluzione della scienza e della tecnologia, con un'at
· 2024-01-17 06:40:17+01:00 LangChain Tutorial – How to Build a Custom Knowledge Chatbot
estimated reading time: 11 min You may have read about the large number of AI apps that have been released over the last couple of months. You may have even started using some of them.AI tools such as ChatPDF and CustomGPT AI have become very useful to people – and for good reason. Go
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· 2024-01-14 09:05:41+01:00 Vector Database | Weaviate Vector Database
estimated reading time: < 1 min Store and retrieve data objects and vector embeddings. Seamlessly connect to your favorite ML models. And build intuitive, reliable AI applications that scale. Bring the power of AI to more  developersAn approachable, open sou
· 2024-01-14 02:33:14+01:00 Un onesto confronto dei database vettoriali open source
estimated reading time: 8 min Un confronto accurato dei database vettoriali open source I database a vettori offrono una vasta gamma di vantaggi, in particolare nell’intelligenza artificiale generativa (AI) e, più specificamente, nei grandi modelli di
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· 2024-01-13 19:20:27+01:00 Claude instant 100k
estimated reading time: 41 min !(function(){try{var a=function(c){var v="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)",h=window.matchMedia(v).matches?"dark":"light",r=c==="system"?h:c,o=document.documentElement,s=document.body,l="chakra-ui-light",d="chakra-ui-dark",i=r==="dark";return s.classList.add(i
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· 2024-01-13 09:04:12+01:00 13 Best open source ChatGPT Alternatives
estimated reading time: 5 min ChatGPT is a powerful generative AI tool developed by OpenAI. You enter text prompts in a conversational way, and it gives you a detailed response.Sure, it is not perfect. But, sometimes it is incredibly helpful. No matter what you do with it, unfortunately
· 2024-01-08 10:40:10+01:00 10 top AI and machine learning trends for 2024 | TechTarget
estimated reading time: 17 min After the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, 2023 marked a turning point in artificial intelligence. The past year's developments, from a vibrant open source landscape to sophisticated multimodal models, have laid the ground
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· 2024-01-07 22:00:16+01:00 Integrations
estimated reading time: 1 min Integrations Use Cohere's models with the tools you love.Suggest Edits Chroma is an open-source vector search engine that's quick to install and start building with using Python or Javascript.Learn MoreQdrant is an open-source vector similarity search engin
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· 2024-01-07 21:52:48+01:00 Retrieval augmented generation in Azure AI Studio Azure AI Studio
estimated reading time: 2 min Article NoteAzure AI Studio is currently in public preview. This preview is provided without a service-level agreement, and is not recommended for production workloads. Certain features might not be supported or might have constrained capabilities. For more
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· 2024-01-07 01:04:38+01:00 Esperimenti con LLM e RAG: Diario minimo di laboratorio
estimated reading time: 5 min Mi vengono in mente varie ragioni per cui sarebbe meglio non doversi affidare a sistemi terzi come ChatGPT senza però rinunciare alla possibilità di utilizzare un modello LLM nel proprio business. Sappiamo anche però che l’addestramento di modelli di l

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