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blog intelligenza artificiale thecat vector memory
· 2024-06-28 16:14:53 Don't get lost in Vector Space Cheshire Cat AI
estimated reading time: 2 min From “How the Cat works”, we report a simple image with all the Cheshire-Cat components.In this post, we focus on the Vector Memory. We look inside it and explain how to import/export and share conversations.Cheshire-Cat
· 2024-05-31 14:29:39 Legal Analytics by Lex Machina
estimated reading time: 2 min Legal Analytics by Lex Machina Skip to content Lex Machina LaunchesLitigation Footprint The broadest available Legal Analyticscoverage of litigation track records of partiesacross the United States. Learn MoreThe Winning EdgeFor Law Firms Craft successful
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· 2024-05-24 12:30:15 Council of Europe adopts first international treaty on artificial intelligence Portal
estimated reading time: 3 min The Council of Europe has adopted the first-ever international legally binding treaty aimed at ensuring the respect of human rights, the rule of law and democracy legal standards in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The treaty, which is also
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· 2024-05-17 09:31:08 Intelligenza artificiale, cosa dice il rapporto del comitato che vuole usarla in Parlamento | Wired Italia
estimated reading time: 1 min Mercoledì 14 febbraio, a Montecitorio, il Comitato di vigilanza sull’attività di documentazione della Camera dei deputati ha presentato il suo primo rapporto sull'adozione di strumenti di intelligenza artificiale a supporto delle attività parlamentari
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· 2024-05-15 11:17:22 Cohere, l’anti OpenAI: cosa fa e a quali aziende è utile AI4Business
estimated reading time: 6 min Il successo di OpenAI, segnatamente di ChatGPT, è sia causa che riflesso del poderoso sviluppo del mercato e della tecnologia AI. Sotto la spinta del processo di crescita questo ambito di business si va pertanto popolando di nuovi attori e protagonisti e l
· 2024-05-11 12:59:40 AI Act, il Parlamento europeo pubblica le correzioni del testo AI4Business
estimated reading time: 6 min Il Parlamento europeo ha diffuso, il 30 aprile 2024, la rettifica del testo della Legge sull’AI (AI Act) adottata 13 marzo. Il documento corregge il linguaggio dell’AI Act. Ad esempio, si veda il seguente chiarimento di Laura Caroli, Senior Policy Advis
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· 2024-04-16 12:03:32 Perplexity AI API Private Policy
estimated reading time: 5 min Last updated: October 2, 2023IntroductionPerplexity ("we", "us", or "our") is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and disclose personal information when you use our AI API product. By using our
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· 2024-04-15 19:52:10 Legal terms and conditions | Mistral AI | Frontier AI in your hands
estimated reading time: 115 min Terms and conditions for using Mistral products and services.PreambleWelcome to Mistral! Our platform provides access to Mistral AI’s artificial intelligence models tailored for text generation alongside with a range of complementary services (the “Se
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· 2024-04-15 06:57:23 Mamba Explained
estimated reading time: 24 min The State Space Model taking on TransformersRight now, AI is eating the world.And by AI, I mean Transformers. Practically all the big breakthroughs in AI over the last few years are due to Transformers.Mamba, however, is one of an alternative class of mode
· 2024-04-13 18:09:28 Artificial Intelligence Act: MEPs adopt landmark law | News | European Parliament
estimated reading time: 4 min On Wednesday, Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence Act that ensures safety and compliance with fundamental rights, while boosting innovation.The regulation, agreed in negotiations with member states in December 2023, was endorsed by MEPs with 523
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· 2024-04-12 23:15:50 Google Contract Shows Deal With Israel Defense Ministry
estimated reading time: 3 min Google provides cloud computing services to the Israeli Ministry of Defense, and the tech giant has negotiated deepening its partnership during Israel’s war in Gaza, a company document viewed by TIME shows.The Israeli Ministry of Defense, according to the
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· 2024-03-30 17:40:20+01:00 I 30 tool di Data Visualization che devi conoscere
estimated reading time: 12 min Quali sono i principali tool sul mercato per l'elaborazione e la visualizzazione dei dati, e quali sono le principali caratteristiche di questi tool.Dopo aver visto come scegliere un tool per la Data Visualization passiamo in rassegna una selezione dei 30
· 2024-03-30 09:26:41+01:00 Chatgpt api OpenAI API: How do I count tokens before(!) I send an API request? Stack Overflow
estimated reading time: 11 min Asked 1 year ago Modified 23 days ago Viewed 63k times This question shows research effort; it is useful and clear Save this question. Show activity on this post. OpenAI's text models have a context length, e.g.: Curie has a context length of
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· 2024-03-22 19:29:28+01:00 Terms of Service Suno AI
estimated reading time: 37 min Date of Last Revision: January 27, 2024Acceptance of These Terms of ServiceSuno Inc. ("Suno," "we," "us," or "our") provides our services (described below) and related content to you through our website(s) located at (the "Site"), through
· 2024-03-04 19:16:46+01:00 Introducing the next generation of Claude \ Anthropic
estimated reading time: 8 min Today, we're announcing the Claude 3 model family, which sets new industry benchmarks across a wide range of cognitive tasks. The family includes three state-of-the-art models in ascending order of capability: Claude 3 Haiku, Claude 3 Sonnet, and Claude 3 O
· 2024-03-02 06:04:15+01:00 Generative. —
estimated reading time: 6 min Hey, you. I made us a playlist. In this new era of AI, the possibilities are endless, not just for design but across the entire product development process. It will play a central role in how teams work in Figma, helping them get to a first draft faster and
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· 2024-02-27 08:15:44+01:00 Court hits B.C. lawyer with costs over fake AI generated cases, despite no intent to deceive |
estimated reading time: 7 min A B.C. lawyer who submitted legal briefs with fake cases generated by ChatGPT has been ordered to personally pay court costs, despite a judge finding she had no intent to deceive.The case is thought to be the first instance of fictitious AI-generated cases
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· 2024-02-24 10:18:44+01:00 Midjourney Terms of Service
estimated reading time: 13 min Article SummaryShare feedback Thanks for sharing your feedback!Version Effective Date: December 22, 2023Thank you for using the Midjourney platform (the “Services”). These Terms of Service (the “Agreement”) explain what rights you have with resp
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· 2024-02-24 10:17:06+01:00 Trust Center Anthropic
estimated reading time: 1 min |Trust CenterAnthropicWelcome to the Anthropic Trust Portal. Anthropic is an AI safety and research company created with the goal of building beneficial artificial intelligence aligned with human values and priorities. We believe deeply in transparency and
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· 2024-02-24 10:16:38+01:00 Responsible Disclosure Policy \ Anthropic
estimated reading time: 6 min The security of our systems and user data is Anthropic’s top priority. We appreciate the work of security researchers acting in good faith in identifying and reporting potential vulnerabilities.PurposeAnthropic (the “Compa
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· 2024-02-24 10:16:30+01:00 Acceptable Use Policy \ Anthropic
estimated reading time: 5 min Safety is core to Anthropic’s mission and we are committed to building an ecosystem where users can safely interact with and build on top of our products in a harmless, helpful, and honest way. Our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) applies to anyone who uses An
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· 2024-02-24 10:15:48+01:00 Consumer Terms of Service \ Anthropic
estimated reading time: 19 min Welcome to Anthropic! Before you access our services, please read these Terms of Service.These Terms of Service (“Terms”) govern your use of, Claude Pro, and other products and services that we may offer for individuals (including any Anthrop
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· 2024-02-24 09:58:52+01:00 Service terms
estimated reading time: 2 min Users can create and share access to their own customized versions of ChatGPT called “GPTs”.For Builders of GPTs:(a) GPT Content. The information or content that you upload to or include with your GPT (for example your GPT name, instructions, and descri
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· 2024-02-24 09:58:26+01:00 Data processing addendum
estimated reading time: 5 min As a Data Processor, OpenAI agrees to:a. process Customer Data only (i) on Customer’s behalf for the purpose of providing and supporting OpenAI’s Services (including to provide insights, reporting, analytics, and platform
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· 2024-02-21 22:34:25+01:00 Gemma: Google introduces new state of the art open models
estimated reading time: 4 min DevelopersFeb 21, 20243 min readGemma is built for responsible AI development from the same research and technology used to create Gemini models.JJeanine BanksVP & GM, Developer X and DevRelTTris WarkentinDirector, Google DeepMind At Google, we believe
intelligenza artificiale sentenze responsabilità
· 2024-02-21 22:12:09+01:00 Air Canada loses court case after its chatbot hallucinated fake policies to a customer | Mashable
estimated reading time: 1 min Air Canada's argument that its AI-powered customer chatbot was solely liable for its own actions didn't hold up in civil court (thank goodness), and now the airline must refund a customer who was given the incorrect information about being comped for his ai
· 2024-02-15 10:11:56+01:00 Intelligenza artificiale, report del Comitato e call per ricercatori. Fontana: "Sia strumento per servire l'umanità e non viceversa"
estimated reading time: 1 min Archivio Prima paginanotizia pubblicata il 9 Febbraio 2024Scarica il rapporto e la manifestazione di interesseIntelligenza artificiale, report del Comitato e call per ricercatori. Fontana: "Sia strumento per servire l'umanità
· 2024-02-15 10:07:59+01:00 IA, la Camera è il primo Parlamento Ue a svolgere un’indagine. Ecco il report
estimated reading time: 2 min Il Comitato di vigilanza per la documentazione della Camera dei deputati ha condotto un’indagine sull’intelligenza artificiale che ha “ha reso palese” la necessità di “una regolamentazione tecnologicamente neutrale, che possa normare l’utilizzo
guerra israele diritto intelligenza artificiale rastrellamenti
· 2024-02-11 07:50:05+01:00 IDF possesses Matrix like capabilities, ex Israeli army chief says
estimated reading time: 23 min This month marks 21 years since the night when a Palestinian from the neighboring village emptied a whole magazine into the children's room, killing three, including a five-year-old, and then killed the mother. Aviv Kochavi was among the first to arrive in
guerra intelligenza artificiale
· 2024-02-11 07:42:47+01:00 Automated Genocide: How Israel’s ‘The Gospel’ is a ‘mass assassination factory’
estimated reading time: 6 min 
On Nov 2nd, the IDF issued a statement which revealed that much of the military ‘intelligence’ that guides their operations in 2023 are based upon an Artificial Intelligence tool called Hasbora or The Gospel. While details regarding the creation and

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