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intelligenza artificiale caffe20 2024-01-13 ChatGPT può essere usato per scopi militari
estimated reading time: 4 min Il chatbot Claude AI di Anthropic è ufficialmente disponibile solo in USA e UK, ma con questo metodo risulta accessibile anche dall'Italia.Digital economy AIIl chatbot Claude A
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estimated reading time: 2 min organizzato da unixMiB sabato 28 ottobre 2023Ore 9:00 Università Milano Bicocca Edificio U6, primo piano Opening KeynoteLorenzo Olearo - unixMiB, Luca Biscaldi - Politecnico Op
dsa caffe20 2023-08-25 New EU Rules for Digital Services: Why Germany Needs Strong Platform Oversight Structures
estimated reading time: 77 min PublikationenAuthor: Dr. Julian JaurschTopics: Strengthening the Digital Public Sphere and Platform RegulationPublished on: May 17th, 2022German version:  Neue EU-Regeln fÃ
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estimated reading time: 141 min Il Rinascimento. Gli ingegneri del Rinascimento: dalla tecnica alla tecnologia Paolo Galluzzi Gli ingegneri del Rinascimento: dalla tecnica alla tecnologia Nell'immagine conve
caffe20 chatgpt 2023-07-03 'On artificial intelligence, trust is a must, not a nice to have,' one lawmaker said. #AI
estimated reading time: < 1 min The proposed Artificial Intelligence Act would classify AI systems by risk and mandate various development and use requirements. Image: REUTERS/Yves Herman Listen to the a
caffe20 privacynews chatgpt 2023-06-01 EU and US lawmakers move to draft AI Code of Conduct fast | TechCrunch
estimated reading time: 18 min Natasha Lomas@riptari / Image Credits: Getty Images under a Jonas EKSTROMER / TT NEWS AGENCY / AFP) / Sweden OUT license.The European Union has used a transatlantic trade and t
open source free software cra liabilities caffe20 2023-05-11 EU Parliament wants to protect Free Software in AI regulation FSFE
estimated reading time: 1 min on: Today the European Parliament's responsible committees voted by a large majority to protect Free Software in the AI regulation. The plenary is called upon to uphold the idea
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estimated reading time: 9 min internet2 | 0 Author MILITARY - GRADE CYBER PROTECTION TikTok Analysis Thomas Perkins Editors David Robinson M
cern open data open science caffe20 2023-03-01 Zenodo Research. Shared.
estimated reading time: 4 min Passionate about Open Science!Built and developed by researchers, to ensure that everyone can join in Open Science.The OpenAIRE project, in the vanguard of the open access and o
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estimated reading time: 8 min The undercover footage was filmed by three reporters, who approached Team Jorge posing as prospective clients.In more than six hours of secretly recorded meetings, Hanan and his
caffe20 voto elettronico democrazia digitale 2023-01-10 Brasile, le elezioni e l'algoritmo fragile per il Ministero della Difesa ma non verificabile secondo la Corte Suprema
estimated reading time: 5 min L’invasione domenicale da parte di migliaia di fanatici bolsonaristi nella Praça dos Três Poderes, dove si ergono gli sfarzi architettonici dei tre poteri federali, quello l
alexa conversazionale caffe20 2022-08-06 «Informazioni giuridiche su alexa? Per i curiosi e i colleghi più pigri»
estimated reading time: 4 min Guido Camera, penalista del Foro di Milano: «Se ci si limita ad agevolare delle ricerche su leggi e sentenze, già oggi effettuabili collegandosi al web o a una banca dati dall

"Non esiste piu' l'applicazione dei principi morali della societa' e c'e' un affastellarsi di leggi, come se le leggi possano sostituire i principi" - Vittorino Andreoli

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