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dsa caffe20 2023-08-25 Legge sui servizi digitali (Digital services act)
estimated reading time: 36 min Legge sui servizi digitali (Digital services act) Dossier n° 51 - 12 maggio 2021 Finalità/Motivazione Contesto della proposta e valutazione di impatto della Commiss
dsa caffe20 2023-08-25 The Digital Services Act package
estimated reading time: 3 min The Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Market Act (DMA) form a single set of rules that apply across the whole EU. They have two main goals: to create a safer digital sp
opensource software chat xmpp standard chatcontrol caffe20 2023-02-18 FOSDEM 2023 Interoperable Chat, Dutch Healthcare and the Digital Markets Act
estimated reading time: 1 min FOSDEM 2023 - Interoperable Chat, Dutch Healthcare and the Digital Markets Act Brussels / 4 & 5 February 2023 schedule FOSDEM 2023 / Schedule / Events / Developer rooms / Re
europa dsa digital service act 2022-12-20 The Digital Services Act: ensuring a safe and accountable online environment
estimated reading time: 4 min For the first time a common set of rules on intermediaries' obligations and accountability across the single market will open up new opportunities to provide digital services ac
cybersec caffe20 privacynews cybernews clusit analisi del rischio 2022-11-11 Rischio digitale Innovazione e Resilienza
estimated reading time: 9 min Rischio digitale Innovazione e Resilienza L'analisi del rischio, ed in particolare del rischio digitale, è attualmente di primaria importanza, complice il costante incremento
guide ux dsa caffe20 @genna 2022-11-07 The digital service act: the definitive guide
estimated reading time: 14 min By on 28 October 2022 • ( Leave a comment ) The Digital Services Act (“DSA”) has been finally published in the Official Journal of the European Union and will be soon app

"Un libro e' un giardino che puoi custodire in tasca" - proverbio arabo

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