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rating intelligenza artificiale avvocati giustizia predittiva privacydb giudici 2023-02-13 Carta etica europea sull’utilizzo dell’intelligenza artificiale nei sistemi giudiziari e negli ambiti connessi adottata dalla CEPEJ
estimated reading time: 143 min Strasb urg o, 3 dicembre 2018 CEPEJ(2018)14 COMMISSION E EUROPEA PER L’EFFICIENZA DELLA GIUSTIZIA (CEPEJ) Carta etica e uropea sullâ€
giustizia predittiva 2021-08-28 Justice of the future : predictive justice and artificial intelligence
estimated reading time: 6 min CEPEJ Conference: "Artificial intelligence at the service of the Judiciary", 27 September 2018, Riga CEPEJ Conference: "Artificial intelligence at the service of the Judiciary",
giustizia predittiva 2021-08-28 Predictive justice is born
estimated reading time: 4 min What if a software could give you the outcome of your trial before it even started? It is every litigant’s dream. “Is it really worth it to embark on a trial whose uncertain
giustizia predittiva elialombardo 2021-08-28 Predictive justice: when algorithms pervade the law Paris Innovation Review
estimated reading time: 10 min Are algorithms compatible with justice? The American citizen Eric Loomis believes that they aren’t. He was sentenced to six years in prison for eluding the police in a stol

"Tutto quello che vogliamo combattere fuori di noi, e' dentro di noi" - Sciascia

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