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intelligenza artificiale caffe20 2024-01-13 ChatGPT può essere usato per scopi militari
estimated reading time: 4 min Il chatbot Claude AI di Anthropic è ufficialmente disponibile solo in USA e UK, ma con questo metodo risulta accessibile anche dall'Italia.Digital economy AIIl chatbot Claude A
artificial intelligence gafam intelligenza artificiale caffe20 regolamentazione chatgpt fake perception 2023-11-18 Big Tech is inflating fears about AI's risk to humanity: Google Brain cofounder
estimated reading time: 2 min Steve Jennings / Stringer/Getty ImagesBig Tech is lying about some AI risks to shut down competition, a Google Brain cofounder has said. Andrew Ng told The Australian Financial
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estimated reading time: 3 min Tech/ Artificial Intelligence/ Breaking / In a sudden move, Altman is leaving after the company’s board determined that he ‘was not consistently candid in his communica
intelligenza artificiale regolamentazione 2023-11-05 Intelligenza artificiale: in una settimana regole per tutti!
estimated reading time: 5 min # The Sunday Prompt #22 - 5/12/2023Tempo di lettura: 13 min utiExecutive order, Codice di condotta di Hiroshima e Dichiarazione di Bletchley: un compendio per capire cosa è suc
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estimated reading time: 22 min (Expanded from a talk given at DWeb Camp 2023.)Artificial intelligence may well prove one of the most impactful and disruptive technologies to come along in years. This impact
intelligenza artificiale caffe20 2023-07-11 Chaining the chatbots: Spain closes in on AI Act
estimated reading time: 5 min AI, caramba!Spain’s stint chairing EU Council meetings comes at an opportune time for its AI policy leaders: After the European Parliament adopted its position on the AI Act l
english intelligenza artificiale caffe20 privacynews ai act chatgpt 2023-06-22 Do Foundation Model Providers Comply with the Draft EU AI Act? (germany)
estimated reading time: 14 min Stanford researchers evaluate foundation model providers like openai and Google for their compliance with proposed EU law on AI.Requirements  
algoritmi caffe20 2023-06-21 AlgorithmWatch demands the regulation of General Purpose AI in the AI Act AlgorithmWatch
estimated reading time: 7 min Applications like ChatGPT and Midjourney are all the rage now. Many people had a go with them in the last couple of months and were stunned by what these systems are capable of.
intelligenza artificiale caffe20 chatgpt 2023-06-20 Exclusive: openai Lobbied E.U. to Water Down AI Regulation
estimated reading time: 8 min The CEO of openai, Sam Altman, has spent the last month touring world capitals where, at talks to sold-out crowds and in meetin
videosorveglianza intelligenza artificiale chatgpt 2023-06-17 Guerre di Rete AI Act, l'Europarlamento tiene
estimated reading time: 14 min Cosa prevede l'attuale formulazione della legge. Poi sorveglianza, TikTok e altro. Screenshot della conferenza stampa all’Europarlamento del 14 giugno 2023 Guerre di Ret
intelligenza artificiale chatgpt 2023-06-17 Guerre di Rete AI Act, l'Europarlamento tiene
estimated reading time: 14 min Cosa prevede l'attuale formulazione della legge. Poi sorveglianza, TikTok e altro. Screenshot della conferenza stampa all’Europarlamento del 14 giugno 2023 Guerre di Rete
caffe20 privacynews chatgpt 2023-06-01 EU and US lawmakers move to draft AI Code of Conduct fast | TechCrunch
estimated reading time: 18 min Natasha Lomas@riptari / Image Credits: Getty Images under a Jonas EKSTROMER / TT NEWS AGENCY / AFP) / Sweden OUT license.The European Union has used a transatlantic trade and t
openai intelligenza artificiale caffe20 privacynews chatgpt 2023-05-26 openai may leave the EU if regulations bite CEO
estimated reading time: 1 min LONDON, May 24 (Reuters) - openai CEO Sam Altman said on Wednesday the ChatGPT maker might consider leaving Europe if it could not comply with the
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estimated reading time: 8 min With all of the buzz about ChatGPT and artificial intelligence (AI) impacting Big Tech search engines like Google, we’ve been asked by community members how Presearch intends
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estimated reading time: 3 min Steve Wozniak: le AI faranno leva sulla scarsa consapevolezza del rischio per generare frodi di ogni tipo Noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo i cookie per Archiviare e/o accede
bias sorveglianza intelligenza artificiale caffe20 2023-05-07 L'Intelligenza Artificiale è la "nuova elettricità", ma accelera molto di più.
estimated reading time: 7 min AI Spesso l'Intelligenza Artificiale viene identificata come la "nuova elettricità". Tuttavia, ci sono elementi che la rendono molto diversa. Che futuro ci aspetta con l'AI int
caffe20 cybernews chatgpt intelligenza artificiale generativa 2023-05-01 I Cloned Myself With AI. She Fooled My Bank and My Family.
estimated reading time: 7 min © PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY ELENA SCOTTI/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, Synthesia; iStock The good news about AI Joanna: She never loses her voice, she has outstanding posture and not e
caffe20 privacynews chatgpt privacydb intelligenza artificiale generativa 2023-04-27 [Dossier IA générative] ChatGPT : un beau parleur bien entraîné
estimated reading time: 20 min Sommaire : - ChatGPT : un beau parleur bien entraîné (1/4) - Quelle régulation pour la conception des IA génératives ? (2/4) - De l'entraînement à la pratique : l'IA gé
chatbots intelligenza artificiale privacynews chatgpt privacydb 2023-04-07 Our approach to AI safety
estimated reading time: 1 min We believe that a practical approach to solving AI safety concerns is to dedicate more time and resources to researching effective mitigations and alignment techniques and testi
privacy garante caffe20 chatgpt privacydb 2023-04-06 ChatGPT: openai collabora con il Garante privacy con impegni per tutelare gli utenti italiani
estimated reading time: 2 min - English versionChatGPT: openai collabora con il Garante privacy con impegni per tutelare gli utenti italianiSi è svolto ieri sera il previsto i
censura caffe20 chatgpt codici 2023-04-05 Blocco ChatGPT. Giacomelli (Codici): "è segnale preoccupante. Non vorremmo che si stesse andando verso un nuovo oscurantismo"
estimated reading time: 1 min E' iniziato con queste parole l'intervento con il quale, Ivano Giacomelli, Segretario Nazionale di Codici, l'associazione a tutela dei diritti dei consumatori, ha voluto comment
caffe20 chatgpt 2023-04-02 Alessio Pomaro on LinkedIn: #llm #ai #intelligenzaartificiale #chatgpt #gpt4 | 23 comments
estimated reading time: 1 min Alessio PomaroHead of SEO, Head of Voice Technology, AI Conversation Designer @ site By site S.p.A.19h Edited🧠 Iniziamo a fare un po' di chiarezza invece di cercare solo VPN?
grecia sorveglianza caffe20 trojan di stato 2023-03-26 Start Up No.1966: Greek spyware targets Meta exec, Twitter loses your place, rethinking the climate crisis, space juice!, and more
estimated reading time: 17 min The trouble with modern golfers is they can hit the ball too far – so the game’s rulemaking body may make them fly less well. CC-licensed photo by Shazwan on Flickr. You c
microsoft etica caffe20 licenziamenti algoretica chatgpt 2023-03-18 Guerre di Rete Ciao GPT 4, arrivederci team sull'etica AI
estimated reading time: 13 min Trasparenza ed etica dell'AI. Il piano della Cina per il digitale. Guerre di Rete - una newsletter di notizie cyber a cura di Carola Frediani N.155 - 18 marzo 2023 Specie
intelligenza artificiale caffe20 algoretica 2023-03-15 Microsoft just laid off one of its responsible AI teams
estimated reading time: 12 min (Ashkan Forouzani / Unsplash)I.Microsoft laid off its entire ethics and society team within the artificial intelligence organization as part of recent layoffs that affected
cern open data open science caffe20 2023-03-01 Zenodo Research. Shared.
estimated reading time: 4 min Passionate about Open Science!Built and developed by researchers, to ensure that everyone can join in Open Science.The openaiRE project, in the va
chatbots caffe20 assistenza chatgpt assicurativonews contrattualistica 2023-02-06 Unlocking the Future of P&C Insurance with the Power of ChatGPT | Celent
estimated reading time: 4 min In my life, I can recall three specific moments where a piece of technology has completely gobsmacked me. It was June 2007. I vividly remember waiting on line for several hours
caffe20 chatgpt 2023-02-04 A Judge Just Used ChatGPT to Make a Court Decision
estimated reading time: 2 min A judge in Colombia used ChatGPT to make a court ruling, in what is apparently the first time a legal decision has been made with the help of an AI text generator—or at least,
intelligenza artificiale caffe20 chatgpt giudici 2023-02-03 Colombian judge says he used ChatGPT in ruling
estimated reading time: 2 min A judge in Colombia has caused a stir by admitting he used the artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT when deciding whether an autistic child’s insurance should cover all of the
chatbots intelligenza artificiale caffe20 avvocati ilbot 2023-01-11 L'avvocato robot al suo debutto in tribunale: la rivoluzione dell'IA nell'assistenza legale è iniziata
estimated reading time: 1 min Un avvocato “robot” alimentato dall’intelligenza artificiale sarà il primo del suo genere ad aiutare un imputato a combattere una multa in tribunale il mese prossimo.Il C

"Le idee migliori non vengono dalla ragione, ma da una lucida, visionaria follia." - Erasmo da Rotterdam

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