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estimated reading time: 17 min The trouble with modern golfers is they can hit the ball too far – so the game’s rulemaking body may make them fly less well. CC-licensed photo by Shazwan on Flickr. You c
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estimated reading time: 3 min The Council of the European Union this week adopted new language for regulations governing internet systems that may put the security of your browser at greater risk. The new la
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estimated reading time: 4 min A un anno di distanza dalle prime rivelazioni del “pegasus Project”, Amnesty International ha dichiarato che l’assenza di una moratoria glob
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estimated reading time: 13 min Il Parlamento Europeo dibatterà la prossima settimana, tra le altre cose, di un argomento assai controverso e finora non regolato ad hoc. La Commissione per le libertà civili

"Le regole sono espressione di ideologie" - G. Tremonti

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