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sorveglianza caffe20 chat control 2024-04-16 Chatcontrol: i ministri dell’Unione Europea non vogliono la scansione indiscriminata dei messaggi. Ma solo per sé stessi e per i loro amici!
estimated reading time: 2 min Riportiamo il post pubblicato oggi dall’europarlamentare pirata Patrick Breyer.Secondo l’ultima bozza della controversa proposta di regolamento UE sugli abusi sessuali sui m
fake news elezioni intelligenza artificiale caffe20 ai act 2024-04-09 EU parties and Commission sign campaign rulebook against foreign interference, disinformation
estimated reading time: 3 min All European political parties will sign on Tuesday (9 March) to a set of code of conduct rules, brokered by the European Commission, as part of broader efforts to shield June
intelligenza artificiale rischi caffe20 avvocati responsabilità 2024-02-27 Court hits B.C. lawyer with costs over fake AI generated cases, despite no intent to deceive |
estimated reading time: 7 min A B.C. lawyer who submitted legal briefs with fake cases generated by ChatGPT has been ordered to personally pay court costs, despite a judge finding she had no intent to deceiv
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estimated reading time: 8 min Normativa 27.06.2023 | Tempo di lettura: 10 min IT Wallet o EUDI Wallet? Cosa succede con le identità digitali in Italia Facciamo chiarezza sulle ultime notizie con Giu
influencer caffe20 2024-01-11 Seconda moral suasion per influencer: pubblicità occulta vietata sempre, anche sui social network
estimated reading time: 2 min A distanza di un anno dalla prima azione, l’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato è intervenuta nuovamente sul fenomeno dell’influencer marketing nei social med
caffe20 chatgpt altmab 2023-11-18 Sam Altman fired as CEO of OpenAI
estimated reading time: 3 min Tech/ Artificial Intelligence/ Breaking / In a sudden move, Altman is leaving after the company’s board determined that he ‘was not consistently candid in his communica
chatcontrol caffe20 privacynews 2023-10-28 Accordo storico su #chatcontrol: il parlamento europeo vuole salvaguardare la crittografia sicura
estimated reading time: 4 min Riportiamo il post pubblicato oggi 26 ottobre dal Partito Pirata Europeo Questa settimana, i negoziatori del Parlamento europeo hanno raggiunto un accordo ad ampia maggioranza
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estimated reading time: 9 min Facebook LinkedIn WhatsApp Email Allerta Pericoli Informatici sui Social : APP 1 : Allerta Pericoli Informatici Google Play Apple Store APP 2 : AiutamiSi ( tanti ser
chatcontrol caffe20 2023-10-18 EU Commission's microtargeting to promote law on child abuse under scrutiny
estimated reading time: 4 min The European Commission’s use of microtargeting techniques to promote its controversial law to prevent the dissemination of child sexual abuse material is under investigation
chatcontrol caffe20 privacynews 2023-10-15 Undermining Democracy: The European Commission's Controversial Push for Digital Surveillance – Danny Mekić
estimated reading time: 11 min Biography Quotes Nederlands Menu Danny Mekić. Speaker Chairman Entrepreneur NewTeam StrategyCooker HackathonFactory Innovation Company Innovations Au
dsa caffe20 2023-08-25 A guide to the Digital Services Act, the EU’s new law to rein in Big Tech AlgorithmWatch
estimated reading time: 8 min What is the DSA, and why do we need it?The Digital Services Act (DSA) is a new set of regulations that aims to force major internet platforms like Facebook, YouTube, TikTok,
dsa caffe20 2023-08-25 New EU Rules for Digital Services: Why Germany Needs Strong Platform Oversight Structures
estimated reading time: 77 min PublikationenAuthor: Dr. Julian JaurschTopics: Strengthening the Digital Public Sphere and Platform RegulationPublished on: May 17th, 2022German version:  Neue EU-Regeln f
dsa caffe20 2023-08-25 EDRi DSA Answering Guide
estimated reading time: 64 min INTRODUCTIONThe European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather your views about the regulation of online services to shape the future Digital Services Act (DS
free antitrust caffe20 privacynews fediverso privacydb 2023-08-23 Is Meta's arrival on the fediverse good news?
estimated reading time: 12 min The fediverse (a blend made from “federation” and “universe”) is a group of social media consisting of a multitude of platforms and software, each of them communicating
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estimated reading time: 2 min Image: Jason Mendez/Getty Images (Getty Images) For those in the entertainment industry (and creative fields more generally), AI has been an extremely divisive topic. As v
music copyright internet archive recordings caffe20 2023-08-12 Music labels sue Internet Archive over digitized record collection
estimated reading time: 1 min CompaniesSony Group CorpSony Music Entertainment Germany GmbHUniversal Music Group NVAug 11 (Reuters) - Universal Music Group (UMG.AS), Sony Music Entertainment (6758.T) and oth
disney free artificial intelligence intelligenza artificiale caffe20 privacydb 2023-08-10 Disney Forms AI Task Force for Theme Parks and R&D
estimated reading time: 2 min Photo: LouiesWorld1 (Shutterstock) Disney is jumping on the artificial intelligence bandwagon. The conglomerate has formed a new task force to determine how the technology
microsoft email crittografia caffe20 cybernews enti pubblici 2023-07-25 Analysis of Storm 0558 techniques for unauthorized email access | Microsoft Security Blog
estimated reading time: 16 min Executive summary On July 11, 2023, Microsoft published two blogs detailing a malicious campaign by a threat actor tracked as Storm-0558 that targeted customer email that we
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estimated reading time: 2 min Actualités mardi 20 juin 2023 Tweeter Le modèle de covoiturage de Citygo validé Par un jugement du 7 juin 2023, le tribunal de commerce de Nanterre a considéré qu
videosorveglianza intelligenza artificiale chatgpt 2023-06-17 Guerre di Rete AI Act, l'Europarlamento tiene
estimated reading time: 14 min Cosa prevede l'attuale formulazione della legge. Poi sorveglianza, TikTok e altro. Screenshot della conferenza stampa all’Europarlamento del 14 giugno 2023 Guerre di Ret
intelligenza artificiale chatgpt 2023-06-17 Guerre di Rete AI Act, l'Europarlamento tiene
estimated reading time: 14 min Cosa prevede l'attuale formulazione della legge. Poi sorveglianza, TikTok e altro. Screenshot della conferenza stampa all’Europarlamento del 14 giugno 2023 Guerre di Rete
caffe20 autoregolamentazione 2023-06-01 AI 'godfather' Yoshua Bengio feels 'lost' over life's work BBC News
estimated reading time: 4 min [embedded content]This video can not be playedTo play this video you need to enable JavaScript in your browser.By Zoe KleinmanTechnology editorOne of the so-called "godfathers"
caffe20 privacynews chatgpt 2023-06-01 EU and US lawmakers move to draft AI Code of Conduct fast | TechCrunch
estimated reading time: 18 min Natasha Lomas@riptari / Image Credits: Getty Images under a Jonas EKSTROMER / TT NEWS AGENCY / AFP) / Sweden OUT license.The European Union has used a transatlantic trade and t
caffe20 motori di ricerca chatgpt 2023-05-15 Presearch AI
estimated reading time: 8 min With all of the buzz about ChatGPT and artificial intelligence (AI) impacting Big Tech search engines like Google, we’ve been asked by community members how Presearch intends
sorveglianza tiktok cybersec caffe20 privacynews 2023-05-08 La giornalista del Financial Times Christina Criddle è stata spiata da ByteDance utilizzando l'account del suo gatto Buffy
estimated reading time: 3 min La giornalista del Financial Times Christina Criddle è stata spiata da ByteDance utilizzando l'account del suo gatto Buffy Noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo i cookie per Arc
bias sorveglianza intelligenza artificiale caffe20 2023-05-07 L'Intelligenza Artificiale è la "nuova elettricità", ma accelera molto di più.
estimated reading time: 7 min AI Spesso l'Intelligenza Artificiale viene identificata come la "nuova elettricità". Tuttavia, ci sono elementi che la rendono molto diversa. Che futuro ci aspetta con l'AI int
chatbots caffe20 responsabilità privacynews chatgpt intelligenza artificiale generativa corte suprema 2023-04-25 AI chatbots could be impacted by Supreme Court's ruling in Section 230 case
estimated reading time: 4 min The Supreme Court is expected to release a decision in the next few months in a case that concerns a liability shield for internet and social media companies that could impact c
sorveglianza caffe20 sequestro domini 2023-04-23 Red Alert: ICANN and Verisign Proposal Would Allow Any Government In The World To Seize Domain Names
estimated reading time: 16 min ICANN, the organization that regulates global domain name policy, and Verisign, the abusive monopolist that operates the .COM and .NET top-level domains, have quietly proposed
chatbots conversazionale intelligenza artificiale caffe20 privacynews chatgpt 2023-04-12 China launches draft regulation for AI generated content to nurture industry, ensure fair competition amid ChatGPT frenzy
estimated reading time: 3 min China's cyberspace authority issued a content regulation draft for artificial intelligence (AI) on Tuesday, voicing clear support for innovation, promotion and application in AI

"I nostri problemi vengono creati dall'uomo, percio' possono essere risolti dall'uomo." - John F. Kennedy 1962

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