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sorveglianza caffe20 chat control 2024-04-16 chatcontrol: i ministri dell’Unione Europea non vogliono la scansione indiscriminata dei messaggi. Ma solo per sé stessi e per i loro amici!
estimated reading time: 2 min Riportiamo il post pubblicato oggi dall’europarlamentare pirata Patrick Breyer.Secondo l’ultima bozza della controversa proposta di regolamento UE sugli abusi sessuali sui m
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estimated reading time: 4 min On 22 November, the European Parliament officially adopted its position on the draft ‘Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse’ (CSAR). With str
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estimated reading time: 1 min The proposed EU Digital Identity framework (eIDAS) aims to meddle with the process around internet certificates and will undermine the independence and security assurances of th
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estimated reading time: 4 min 2nd November 2023After years of legislative process, the near-final text of the eIDAS regulation has been agreed by trialogue negotiators1 representing EU’s key bodies and wil
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estimated reading time: 5 min È difficile pensare a qualcosa di più abietto dei contenuti a carattere pedopornografico (CSAM: Child Sexual Abuse Material) e al loro sfruttamento.La Gran Bretagna ha approva
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estimated reading time: 4 min Riportiamo il post pubblicato oggi 26 ottobre dal Partito Pirata Europeo Questa settimana, i negoziatori del Parlamento europeo hanno raggiunto un accordo ad ampia maggioranza
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estimated reading time: 2 min PDF BasketNo article selectedConvert to PDF Empty basketMore than 700 million people enter the EU every year – a number that is rapidly rising. The huge volume of travellers a
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estimated reading time: < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
chatcontrol caffe20 2023-10-18 EU Commission's microtargeting to promote law on child abuse under scrutiny
estimated reading time: 4 min The European Commission’s use of microtargeting techniques to promote its controversial law to prevent the dissemination of child sexual abuse material is under investigation
chatcontrol caffe20 privacynews 2023-10-15 Undermining Democracy: The European Commission's Controversial Push for Digital Surveillance – Danny Mekić
estimated reading time: 11 min Biography Quotes Nederlands Menu Danny Mekić. Speaker Chairman Entrepreneur NewTeam StrategyCooker HackathonFactory Innovation Company Innovations Au
chatcontrol caffe20 privacynews 2023-10-15 Setting the record straight
estimated reading time: 5 min On the 25th of October I will be having an exchange of views with the LIBE committee on my proposal to prevent and fight child sexual abuse. The next day the LIBE committee will
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estimated reading time: 3 min By Prof Carmela Troncoso, SPRING Lab, and Prof Bart Preneel, COSIC   •  Updated: 17/07/2023The Commissioner's failure to answer the issues we raise shows she knows the E
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estimated reading time: 2 min Dopo aver riletto da zero le nostre fonti in seguito a dubbi sollevati dal team e dai lettori, abbiamo ritenuto necessario correggere le imprecisioni e ridimensionare la narrazi
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estimated reading time: 2 min In a closed-door meeting with EU lawmakers, the European Data Protection Supervisor criticised the proposal to fight Child Sexual Abuse Material as trying to mask breaches of fu
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estimated reading time: 1 min Children deserve a secure and safe internetDear Member of the European Parliament,I am joining 124 civil society organisations in calling to oppose the ‘Regulation laying down
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estimated reading time: 5 min Enlarge / Signal app on a phone. Getty Images The nonprofit responsible for the Signal messenger app is prepared to exit the UK if the country requires providers of encrypted co
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estimated reading time: 1 min FOSDEM 2023 - Interoperable Chat, Dutch Healthcare and the Digital Markets Act Brussels / 4 & 5 February 2023 schedule FOSDEM 2023 / Schedule / Events / Developer rooms / Re
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estimated reading time: 3 min Update: Open source OSes might be saved from being covered depending on the interpretation of EU regulation 2019/1150 2.2.c.To be considered an online intermediation service it
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estimated reading time: 2 min on: Surely you have already heard about the controversial EU draft law on mandatory chat control with the supposed aim to effectively tackle child sexual abuse. This law implies
privacy europa crittografia sorveglianza chatcontrol commissione caffe20 privacynews pedopornografia 2022-10-25 The Commission’s gross violation of privacy — endangering encryption
estimated reading time: 4 min Press play to listen to this articleVoiced by Amazon PollyMarkéta Gregorová is a member of the European Parliament from the European Pirate Party.Strong end-to-end encryption

"Il grado di liberta' di un uomo si misura dall'intensita' dei suoi sogni" - Alda Merini

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