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intelligenza artificiale caffe20 privacynews 2024-01-06 What You Need to Know About China’s New Generative AI Measures
estimated reading time: 10 min On July 10, 2023, seven departments including the Cyberspace Administration of China (“CAC”) jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial
open source free software cra liabilities caffe20 2023-05-11 EU Parliament wants to protect Free Software in AI regulation FSFE
estimated reading time: 1 min on: Today the European Parliament's responsible committees voted by a large majority to protect Free Software in the AI regulation. The plenary is called upon to uphold the idea
software open source europe cra liabilities caffe20 2023-05-08 Why the European Commission must consult the Open Source communities Voices of Open Source
estimated reading time: 2 min A crucial problem with the Impact Assessment of the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) is that no Open Source communities or community fiduciaries were consulted as stakeholders. The la
sorveglianza caffe20 sequestro domini 2023-04-23 Red Alert: ICANN and Verisign Proposal Would Allow Any Government In The World To Seize Domain Names
estimated reading time: 16 min ICANN, the organization that regulates global domain name policy, and Verisign, the abusive monopolist that operates the .COM and .NET top-level domains, have quietly proposed
blockchain did euro digitale assicurativonews 2023-02-06 Insurance Europe response to targeted open finance consultation
estimated reading time: 70 min Response to EC targeted consultation on open finance framework and data sharing in the financial sector Our reference: COB -TECH -22 -081 Date: 5 July

"Gli incidenti sono spesso frutto di due disequilibri: quello tra l’uomo e la macchina, quando cioè si utilizzando dei mezzi troppo performanti rispetto alle proprie capacità, e quello tra l’uomo e l’ambiente" - istruttore di parapendio

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