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fake news elezioni intelligenza artificiale caffe20 ai act 2024-04-09 EU parties and Commission sign campaign rulebook against foreign interference, disinformation
estimated reading time: 3 min All European political parties will sign on Tuesday (9 March) to a set of code of conduct rules, brokered by the European Commission, as part of b
intelligenza artificiale caffe20 privacynews 2024-01-06 What You Need to Know About China’s New Generative AI Measures
estimated reading time: 10 min On July 10, 2023, seven departments including the Cyberspace Administration of China (“CAC”) jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial
sorveglianza intelligenza artificiale caffe20 ai act privacydb 2023-12-10 Artificial Intelligence Act: deal on comprehensive rules for trustworthy AI | News | European Parliament
estimated reading time: 4 min MEPs reached a political deal with the Council on a bill to ensure AI in Europe is safe, respects fundamental rights and democracy, while business
free sorveglianza intelligenza artificiale caffe20 indagini privacydb 2023-12-10 Artificial Intelligence Act: deal on comprehensive rules for trustworthy AI | Attualità | Parlamento europeo
estimated reading time: 4 min MEPs reached a political deal with the Council on a bill to ensure AI in Europe is safe, respects fundamental rights and democracy, while business
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estimated reading time: 1 min Responding to the outcome of bloc’s landmark Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act after a tense debate between European Union member states, the European Commission and the Europe
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estimated reading time: 4 min On 22 November, the European Parliament officially adopted its position on the draft ‘Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse’ (CSAR). With str
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estimated reading time: 1 min The proposed EU Digital Identity framework (eIDAS) aims to meddle with the process around internet certificates and will undermine the independence and security assurances of th
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estimated reading time: 4 min 2nd November 2023After years of legislative process, the near-final text of the eIDAS regulation has been agreed by trialogue negotiators1 representing EU’s key bodies and wil
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estimated reading time: 4 min The European Commission’s use of microtargeting techniques to promote its controversial law to prevent the dissemination of child sexual abuse material is under investigation
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estimated reading time: 11 min Biography Quotes Nederlands Menu Danny Mekić. Speaker Chairman Entrepreneur NewTeam StrategyCooker HackathonFactory Innovation Company Innovations Au
chatcontrol caffe20 privacynews 2023-10-15 Setting the record straight
estimated reading time: 5 min On the 25th of October I will be having an exchange of views with the LIBE committee on my proposal to prevent and fight child sexual abuse. The next day the LIBE committee will
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estimated reading time: 4 min In this blog post, CDT recalls what biometric surveillance entails, why mass surveillance uses of biometric technologies need to be prohibited, and also how non-mass surveillanc
dsa caffe20 2023-08-25 New EU Rules for Digital Services: Why Germany Needs Strong Platform Oversight Structures
estimated reading time: 77 min PublikationenAuthor: Dr. Julian JaurschTopics: Strengthening the Digital Public Sphere and Platform RegulationPublished on: May 17th, 2022German version:  Neue EU-Regeln f
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estimated reading time: 64 min INTRODUCTIONThe European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather your views about the regulation of online services to shape the future Digital Services Act (DS
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estimated reading time: 3 min Provvedimento «ridicolo», «illegale», «populista» e in stile soviet «come Mosca nel 1917». E la replica: «sembra evidente che ci sia la speculazione sui prezzi». Sulla
microsoft email crittografia caffe20 cybernews enti pubblici 2023-07-25 Analysis of Storm 0558 techniques for unauthorized email access | Microsoft Security Blog
estimated reading time: 16 min Executive summary On July 11, 2023, Microsoft published two blogs detailing a malicious campaign by a threat actor tracked as Storm-0558 that targeted customer email that we
ucraina pace 2023-07-13 Cei. Debutta il Consiglio dei giovani del Mediterraneo. «Profeti di pace oltre l’odio»
estimated reading time: 4 min Il Consiglio dei giovani del Mediterraneo davanti al Duomo di Firenze - Gambassi A 27 anni Marina Nasrat Francis Nimro non era mai salita prima d’ora su un aereo che avesse co
intelligenza artificiale caffe20 2023-07-11 Chaining the chatbots: Spain closes in on AI Act
estimated reading time: 5 min AI, caramba!Spain’s stint chairing EU Council meetings comes at an opportune time for its AI policy leaders: After the European Parliament adopted its position on the AI Act l
algoritmi caffe20 2023-06-21 AlgorithmWatch demands the regulation of General Purpose AI in the AI Act AlgorithmWatch
estimated reading time: 7 min Applications like ChatGPT and Midjourney are all the rage now. Many people had a go with them in the last couple of months and were stunned by what these systems are capable of.
intelligenza artificiale caffe20 regolamentazione 2023-06-18 The EU Artificial Intelligence Act
estimated reading time: 24 min June 14, 2023 - The European Parliament has approved its negotiating position on the proposed Artificial Intelligence Act.The European Parliament adopted its negotiating positi
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videosorveglianza intelligenza artificiale chatgpt 2023-06-17 Guerre di Rete AI Act, l'Europarlamento tiene
estimated reading time: 14 min Cosa prevede l'attuale formulazione della legge. Poi sorveglianza, TikTok e altro. Screenshot della conferenza stampa all’Europarlamento del 14 giugno 2023 Guerre di Ret
intelligenza artificiale chatgpt 2023-06-17 Guerre di Rete AI Act, l'Europarlamento tiene
estimated reading time: 14 min Cosa prevede l'attuale formulazione della legge. Poi sorveglianza, TikTok e altro. Screenshot della conferenza stampa all’Europarlamento del 14 giugno 2023 Guerre di Rete
riconoscimento facciale intelligenza artificiale caffe20 privacynews 2023-06-14 MEPs ready to negotiate first ever rules for safe and transparent AI | News | European Parliament
estimated reading time: 4 min The rules aim to promote the uptake of human-centric and trustworthy AI and protect the health, safety, fundamental rights and democracy from its harmful effects.On Wednesday, t
blockchain europeo regolamentazione regolamento crittovalute 2023-06-14 Regolamento europeo 2023/1114 relativo ai mercati delle cripto attività
estimated reading time: 480 min REGOLAMENTO (UE) 2023/1114 DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO E DEL CONSIGLIO del 31 maggio 2023 relativo ai mercati delle cripto-attività e che modifica i regolamenti (UE) n. 1093/2010
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estimated reading time: 6 min According to the Schengen Agreement, people and goods may freely cross the borders of the 26 signatory countries without any checks or requirements. Internal border controls wit
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estimated reading time: 2 min Greenpeace, ReCommon e dodici tra cittadine e cittadini italiani – molti provenienti da aree già colpite dagli impatti dei cambiamenti climatici – porteranno ENI in tribuna
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estimated reading time: 4 min "In questa fase storica i pericoli sono tanti; ma, mi chiedo, anche pensando alla martoriata Ucraina, dove sono gli sforzi creativi di pace? ". Così Papa Francesco nel suo prim
caffe20 privacynews email aziendale 2023-04-20 Email aziendale e controlli aziendali: l'Autorità danese spiega alle aziende quando e come
estimated reading time: 4 min Protezione dei dati nei rapporti di lavoro 345.4 Registrazione e controllo dell'uso di Internet e delle e-mail da parte dei dipendentiLa registrazione da parte dei datori di lav
software gpl licenze caffe20 2023-03-30 What'll We Do When FOSS Licenses Jump the Shark?
estimated reading time: 8 min What'll We Do When FOSS Licenses Jump the Shark?Bradley M. KuhnEverything Open 2023Wednesday 15 March 2023Slides online:

"La determinazione nel fare le cose e' un muscolo. Se non lo alleni di continuo, si atrofizza, generando di conseguenza scuse" - Vincenzo Pierri

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