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· 2024-01-04 07:39:55+01:00 Presenting this season's online FSF bulletin — free software Foundation — Working together for free software
estimated reading time: 2 min Screenshot of online BulletinAs I write this, we have received our first snowfall in Boston, MA, the city where the free software Foundation (FSF) has its cozy office. The seasons are changing, for sure, but the bi-annual rout
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· 2023-10-07 02:02:04 Mistral AI | Open source models
estimated reading time: 1 min Our teaser model is out!The best 7B, Apache 2.0.Quick Start Pushing AI forwardWe tackle the hardest problems to make AI models compute efficient, helpful and trustworthy.Open & white-boxWe spearhead the family of open models. We give to our users and em
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· 2023-05-08 08:30:52 The importance of Open Source AI and the challenges of liberating data Voices of Open Source
estimated reading time: 7 min (This post is taken from a speech given remotely at LLW 2023 by OSI Executive director Stefano Maffulli) The conference program places two talks back to back titled “The goals of Open Source AI” followed by “The goals of a free

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