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· 2024-05-11 12:59:40 AI Act, il Parlamento europeo pubblica le correzioni del testo AI4Business
estimated reading time: 6 min Il Parlamento europeo ha diffuso, il 30 aprile 2024, la rettifica del testo della Legge sull’AI (AI Act) adottata 13 marzo. Il documento corregge il linguaggio dell’AI Act. Ad esempio, si veda il seguente chiarimento di Laura Caroli, Senior Policy Advis
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· 2024-03-30 17:40:20+01:00 I 30 tool di Data Visualization che devi conoscere
estimated reading time: 12 min Quali sono i principali tool sul mercato per l'elaborazione e la visualizzazione dei dati, e quali sono le principali caratteristiche di questi tool.Dopo aver visto come scegliere un tool per la Data Visualization passiamo in rassegna una selezione dei 30
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· 2024-02-21 22:34:25+01:00 Gemma: Google introduces new state of the art open models
estimated reading time: 4 min DevelopersFeb 21, 20243 min readGemma is built for responsible AI development from the same research and technology used to create Gemini models.JJeanine BanksVP & GM, Developer X and DevRelTTris WarkentinDirector, Google DeepMind At Google, we believe
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· 2024-01-04 07:39:55+01:00 Presenting this season's online FSF bulletin — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free software
estimated reading time: 2 min Screenshot of online BulletinAs I write this, we have received our first snowfall in Boston, MA, the city where the Free Software Foundation (FSF) has its cozy office. The seasons are changing, for sure, but the bi-annual routine of providing the public wit
· 2023-12-23 17:00:37+01:00 Ollama, intelligenza artificiale in locale sui propri sistemi
estimated reading time: 5 min I LLM (Large Language Models) sono modelli linguistici di grandi dimensioni addestrati su enormi quantità di testo al fine di apprendere le strutture linguistiche e le relazioni semantiche.  Questi modelli possono quindi “comprendere” e generare testo
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· 2023-12-01 06:18:36+01:00 Run bloom the largest open access ai model on your desktop computer f48e1e2a9a32
estimated reading time: < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
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· 2023-05-08 08:30:52 The importance of Open Source AI and the challenges of liberating data Voices of Open Source
estimated reading time: 7 min (This post is taken from a speech given remotely at LLW 2023 by OSI Executive director Stefano Maffulli) The conference program places two talks back to back titled “The goals of Open Source AI” followed by “The goals of a Free Software AI”… But t
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· 2023-04-19 11:18:10 PyTorch
estimated reading time: 2 min Get Started Mobile Blog Tutorials Resources GitHub Faster, more pythonic and dynamic as everInstall Key Features &Capabilities See all FeaturesProduction ReadyTransition seamlessly between eager and graph modes with TorchScript, and accelerate
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· 2022-09-07 17:51:23 Deep Dive: AI Archives Deep Dive: AI
estimated reading time: < 1 min Along with all the positive, revolutionary aspects of AI comes a more sinister side. Joining us today to discuss ethics in AI from the developer's point of view is David Gray Widder. David is currently doing his Ph.D. at the School of Computer Science

"Ho imparato che il valore delle persone non c'entra nulla con quello che guadagnano, con le posizioni che ricoprono, con i titoli che adornano il loro cognome: le persone si valutano per quello che sono." - Zingaretti su Camilleri

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