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· 2024-06-20 10:41:40 Click To Imagine — LRNZ
estimated reading time: 114 min Click to imagine. Ver. 0.2 aggiornata al 5/9/2022Disclaimer:Non ho assolutamente la pretesa di avere la verità in tasca, anzi, auspico di riuscire a capire qualcosa di più proprio grazie al confronto che questo testo potrebbe generare con i suoi lettori
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· 2024-06-10 10:24:10 Generative AI: novità e riflessioni #3 / 2024
estimated reading time: 29 min AI Un appuntamento per aggiornarsi e riflettere sulle tematiche che riguardano l'intelligenza artificiale e la Generative AI. • 36 min read Generative AI: novità e riflessioni - #3 / 2024Una rubrica che racconta le novità più rilevanti che riguardan
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· 2024-05-31 16:35:39 Giornalismo e Intelligenza artificiale: Fisc, Papa Francesco benedice l’iniziativa di Avvenire di Calabria AgenSIR
estimated reading time: 2 min (Foto Avvenire di Calabria)Anche il Papa ha ascoltato la testimonianza degli alunni dell’Istituto Maria Ausiliatrice di Reggio Calabria che partecipano al Laboratorio Aula G, una “scuola di giornalismo” curata dall’Avvenire di Calabria. “Durante l
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· 2024-05-15 11:17:22 Cohere, l’anti OpenAI: cosa fa e a quali aziende è utile AI4Business
estimated reading time: 6 min Il successo di OpenAI, segnatamente di ChatGPT, è sia causa che riflesso del poderoso sviluppo del mercato e della tecnologia AI. Sotto la spinta del processo di crescita questo ambito di business si va pertanto popolando di nuovi attori e protagonisti e l
· 2024-04-25 01:21:04 Scopri i 10 lavori più richiesti nel campo dell'Intelligenza Artificiale
estimated reading time: 4 min Redazione RHC : 24 Aprile 2024 17:19Spesso si parla di quanto le Intelligenze Artificiale sottrarranno lavoro, ma poco si parla dei nuovi lavori che verranno introdotti dall’utilizzo delle AI.L’anno 2023 ha segnato l’esplosione dell’intelligenza a
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· 2024-04-20 17:58:40 AIVA End User License Agreement
estimated reading time: 8 min The following End User License Agreement (the "Agreement") is a contract between you (the "Licensee", the "User", ”you”) and AIVA Technologies Sarl (the "Licensor", "AIVA", “we”). By using our website and services, located at and
· 2024-04-19 14:39:49 AI Pact, arriva il patto per anticipare le regole UE sull'intelligenza artificiale | Wired Italia
estimated reading time: 3 min Dalle parti di Bruxelles non brillano per fantasia. Hanno chiamato AI Pact l'accordo per adeguarsi prima all'AI Act, il regolamento europeo sull'intelligenza artificiale. Uno scioglilingua che mette alla prova anche l'oratore più facondo. Al netto del nome
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· 2024-04-16 12:03:48 Terms of Service
estimated reading time: 6 min Last updated: February 22nd, 2024.Please read these Terms of Service (“Terms”, “Terms of Service”) carefully before using the website (the “Service”) operated by Perplexity AI (“us”, “we”, or “our”).Your access to a
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· 2024-04-16 12:03:32 Perplexity AI API Private Policy
estimated reading time: 5 min Last updated: October 2, 2023IntroductionPerplexity ("we", "us", or "our") is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and disclose personal information when you use our AI API product. By using our
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· 2024-04-16 11:50:43 Terms | Bearly
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· 2024-04-15 19:52:10 Legal terms and conditions | Mistral AI | Frontier AI in your hands
estimated reading time: 115 min Terms and conditions for using Mistral products and services.PreambleWelcome to Mistral! Our platform provides access to Mistral AI’s artificial intelligence models tailored for text generation alongside with a range of complementary services (the “Se
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· 2024-04-15 06:57:23 Mamba Explained
estimated reading time: 24 min The State Space Model taking on TransformersRight now, AI is eating the world.And by AI, I mean Transformers. Practically all the big breakthroughs in AI over the last few years are due to Transformers.Mamba, however, is one of an alternative class of mode
· 2024-04-13 18:09:28 Artificial Intelligence Act: MEPs adopt landmark law | News | European Parliament
estimated reading time: 4 min On Wednesday, Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence Act that ensures safety and compliance with fundamental rights, while boosting innovation.The regulation, agreed in negotiations with member states in December 2023, was endorsed by MEPs with 523
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· 2024-04-11 13:49:40 Intelligence artificielle, de quoi parle t on ? | CNIL
estimated reading time: 10 min Accueil Intelligence artificielle Intelligence artificielle, de quoi parle-t-on ? 25 mars 2022L’intelligence artificielleintelligence artificielleL’intelligence artificielle est un procédé logique et automatisé reposant généralement sur un algorit
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· 2024-04-04 00:26:46 Verso un Mondo Nuovo? La corsa all'Intelligenza Artificiale Guarda il documentario completo | ARTE in italiano
estimated reading time: 1 min Guarda ora Ginnastica culturale Quando l'arte dichiarava guerra ai peli 5 min Watch the programmeGinnastica culturale Quando l'arte dichiarava guerra ai peliGuarda ora Ryan Gosling Quel bravo ragazzo 53 min Watch the programme53 min Ryan Gosling Quel brav
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· 2024-03-30 17:40:20+01:00 I 30 tool di Data Visualization che devi conoscere
estimated reading time: 12 min Quali sono i principali tool sul mercato per l'elaborazione e la visualizzazione dei dati, e quali sono le principali caratteristiche di questi tool.Dopo aver visto come scegliere un tool per la Data Visualization passiamo in rassegna una selezione dei 30
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· 2024-03-22 19:29:28+01:00 Terms of Service Suno AI
estimated reading time: 37 min Date of Last Revision: January 27, 2024Acceptance of These Terms of ServiceSuno Inc. ("Suno," "we," "us," or "our") provides our services (described below) and related content to you through our website(s) located at (the "Site"), through
· 2024-03-02 06:04:15+01:00 Generative. —
estimated reading time: 6 min Hey, you. I made us a playlist. In this new era of AI, the possibilities are endless, not just for design but across the entire product development process. It will play a central role in how teams work in Figma, helping them get to a first draft faster and
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· 2024-02-27 08:15:44+01:00 Court hits B.C. lawyer with costs over fake AI generated cases, despite no intent to deceive |
estimated reading time: 7 min A B.C. lawyer who submitted legal briefs with fake cases generated by ChatGPT has been ordered to personally pay court costs, despite a judge finding she had no intent to deceive.The case is thought to be the first instance of fictitious AI-generated cases
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· 2024-02-21 22:19:05+01:00 2024 BCCRT 149 (CanLII) | Moffatt v. Air Canada | CanLII
estimated reading time: 12 min Date Issued: February 14, 2024File: SC-2023-005609Type: Small ClaimsCivil Resolution TribunalIndexed as: Moffatt v. Air Canada, 2024 BCCRT 149Between:JAKE MOFFATTApplicantAnd:AIR CANADARespondent REASONS FOR DECISION Tribunal Member: Christopher C. Riv
· 2024-02-19 12:47:56+01:00 Magnific AI — The magic image Upscaler & Enhancer
estimated reading time: 3 min ×I accept the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. The most advanced AI tech to achieve insanely high-res upscaling. Not only upscale, enhance! Magnific can hallucinate and reimagine as many details as you wish guided by your own prompt and parameters! Bef
· 2024-02-15 10:11:56+01:00 Intelligenza artificiale, report del Comitato e call per ricercatori. Fontana: "Sia strumento per servire l'umanità e non viceversa"
estimated reading time: 1 min Archivio Prima paginanotizia pubblicata il 9 Febbraio 2024Scarica il rapporto e la manifestazione di interesseIntelligenza artificiale, report del Comitato e call per ricercatori. Fontana: "Sia strumento per servire l'umanità e non viceversa""L'intelligenz
· 2024-02-14 19:48:33+01:00 DALL·E 3: Guida e Prompt Avanzati su Bing Image Creator Lore Cloud
estimated reading time: 9 min DALL·E 3 è ora accessibile gratuitamente attraverso Bing Image Creator, e le immagini che genera sono senza precedenti in termini di qualità e dettaglio, superando altre IA generative come Midjourney e Ideogram.In questa guida esploreremo come utilizzare
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· 2024-02-12 23:05:22+01:00 Ask HN: How do I train a custom LLM/ChatGPT on my own documents in Dec 2023? | Python LibHunt
estimated reading time: < 1 min As others have said you want RAG. The most feature complete implementation I've seen is h2ogpt[0] (not affiliated). The code is kind of a mess (most of the logic is in an ~8000 line python file) but it supports ingestion of everything from YouTube
· 2024-02-11 07:41:51+01:00 Applications of artificial intelligence
estimated reading time: 105 min Part of a series onArtificial intelligence Major goals Artificial general intelligence Recursive self-improvement Planning Computer vision General game playing Knowledge reasoning Machine learning Natural language process
· 2024-02-10 09:03:49+01:00 L'AI che trascrive gli audio al posto tuo! (GUIDA PRATICA)
estimated reading time: < 1 min [embedded content]
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· 2024-01-23 12:17:17+01:00 IA360: la mia academy sull'intelligenza artificiale Raffaele Gaito
estimated reading time: 7 min ACQUISTA ORAACQUISTA ORAL’intelligenza artificiale è senza dubbio una delle più grandi rivoluzioni della storia dell’uomo.Possiamo paragonare il suo impatto sul nostro lavoro e la nostra vita a poche altre cose: l’elettricità, il personal computer,
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· 2024-01-21 11:15:23+01:00 The 5 Best Vector Databases | A List With Examples
estimated reading time: 10 min The landscape of vector databases (Image Source)In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), vast amounts of data require efficient handling and processing. As we delve into more advanced applications of AI, such as image recognition, voice search, or rec
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· 2024-01-21 11:10:29+01:00 Vector database Milvus
estimated reading time: 1 min The most popular vector database for enterprise usersFuel your machine learning deploymentStore, index, and manage massive embedding vectors generated by deep neural networks and other machine learning (ML) models.Easy to Use With Milvus vector database, yo
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· 2024-01-21 08:31:22+01:00 Generating audio from voice and natural language prompts
estimated reading time: 7 min TakeawaysUpdate: 12/11/2023: Audiobox's interactive demo and research paper are now available. Audiobox is Meta’s new foundation research model for audio generation. Audiobox can generate voices and sound effects using a combination of voice inputs and na

"Prima gli italiani, come America first, è un'idea di Hitler" - Gino Strada

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